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    • #4346

      Hey, those look familiar…

    • #3026

      Flown another dozen hours in the Tiger and have to agree it is a fantastic tool. Took some time to get the hang of using the LeanFind feature and how the information was presented, but it beats the heck out of the old EGT.
      Just downloaded all the stored data from the JPI the other day and it is amazing the sorts of things you can pick out. Definitely a worthwhile install!

    • #3025

      What are some symptoms that the rudder might be out of rig? Not returning to center after deflection?

    • #1540

      Something Roscoe pointed out to us on our annual is the metal gasket in the bead clamp holding the exhaust stack to the manifold (which you can see in the first picture). As he told us, over time with heat expansion and contraction, the gasket will begin to pinch and eventually allow some exhaust gasses to escape. When it gets to the point you see in the second picture, it might be time to retire them.
      Another thing to periodically glance at on a pre-flight.

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    • #1539

      For draining, if you don’t have a quick-drain, I’d get one installed. Then get a section of tubing 3′ long or so and run it through the cowl flap on the bottom and into a bucket. Just make sure the tubing is snug on the drain fitting, because I’ve made one heck of a mess after the hose popped loose once.

      Not sure what folks without a quick-drain do, maybe rig up something with a funnel…

    • #1525

      Has anyone fabbed a set of these themselves or is it preferred to buy them? I saw them in Fletchair’s catalogue for $30 a pop but it doesn’t look like it’d be difficult to weld one up.

    • #1524

      I don’t see much reason to panel-mount ADS-B ‘In’ when you can get all that with a portable $900 Stratus box. Might cut a smidge off that $6k, plus you can take it with you if you fly in something else.

    • #1523

      And might I suggest checking the condition of the baffles every once and a while on your preflight, particularly if you have some sort of EGT readout and notice one cylinder is warmer than the rest.
      We’d mentioned to Roscoe at our annual that the #4 cylinder was showing hotter than the others on the EGT. It took him about 4 seconds to spot a large crack in the baffle around #4, which I probably should’ve noticed on a preflight if I’d really been looking….
      EGTs are much better matched now!

    • #1521

      To my knowledge the biggest difference is the Facet pumps you see on Aircraft Spruce are not FAA-PMA, while the Fletchair pump is. Which (correct me if I’m wrong) means the Fletchair pump has been tested and QA’d, while the Facet one is a anyone’s guess.
      (Just replaced ours in Dec and was wondering the same thing, did a little research and that’s what I came up with).

      • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Nathan.
    • #1520

      As Jim said, I modded a Philips oil container. The long neck on it makes a convenient handle with which to maneuver it. It does take a little maneuvering, but it fits like a glove. I’ll post a photo in a bit when I’m on better wifi. Roscoe’s Chinese food container probably has a little more holding capacity, though. The Philips container can get a little full…

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