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    • #15785
      Glenn Mori

      Maybe this one will work.


    • #15784
      Glenn Mori

      I guess I can only send one pic at a time depending on the file size. Jere is one from yesterday

    • #15782
      Glenn Mori

      Hi y’all,
      Just trailered home our new Father/Son project. N9901L serial #0201. Hasn’t flown since 2006 ish. Last annualed in 2010. I’ll try to attach a picture or two. Taking it to my mechanic tomorrow to help me get organized.
      I know the center spar is no good. Have deposit on one in Ohio. Need to start a parts list. I have so many questions to get answered. Like how to strip paint and mot effect the bonding? Who has the tailwheel conversion STC, the aux fuel STC and the larger engine STC?
      I need to really make sure my wings are good to go. I’m worried about the wing Spare since the center was corroded. Tanks were completely empty and the one tank (right) that I put fuel in to start it leaked. My stepson is 16 and soled our Cessna 140 last month. I would love to have this completed by the time he graduates high school and the plane will be celebrating its 50th birthday.

      Glenn, Donah and Dawson

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    • #15660
      Glenn Mori

      That’s a great story I have had mine since I was 21, 1985. Lots of great memories and still making them. I too was only given a demo of wheel landings was signed off for calm conditions only. Same thing, it’s a miracle I didn’t wreck it. Taught myself wheel landings several years later.
      Looks like this Wednesday will be a new memory. Could be the my Stepson(Dawson) solo’s.


    • #15641
      Glenn Mori

      Wow. Thanks you guys. Cessna 140 to answer Richards question.
      I have not found any delamination yet. I think the engine may even have some compression left in it. Now that we are getting to get it for free I will look into it deeper.
      We just came from in from flying about a hour ago. He nailed 3 landings. 2 three point and one wheel landing. He is finishing his mandatory pres solo written and looks like he will solo this week. He is excited about this plane(N9901L). I will have him call the owner tomorrow to accept his offer and thank him. There is another one on the same ramp (AA1 I believe) that has been taken better care of. We are going to try to see if this available as well. Hopefully less to do to get airworthy.
      We have both enjoyed learning about the Grumman history and so forth.
      Roscoe and GPA. Thank you so much for your great videos. They made me feel comfortable in doing my own Soto pre buy inspection. You will be hearing from us more. My wife is excited as well and now is talking about learning to fly.

      Thanks again, Glenn, Donah and Dawson

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