Rotax 914 UL replacement for Lyc O-235

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    • #15446
      Gregary Martel

      My O-235 Is coming up due for a second major overhaul. Has anyone considered replacing their O-235 with a rotax 914 UL or even a 912? If so what are the benefits and pitfalls? By chance is there already an STC?

    • #15448
      Roscoe Rosché

      Not at this time and one NOT in the works. Go for it!

    • #15449
      Richard Harrison

      Atol Avion has been granted an STC for the installation of the 100 HP Rotax 912 S3 and a constant speed propeller in the Cessna 150. I expect they spent a huge sum of money getting through the STC process. This might make sense for the 150 which is still very popular for flight schools and with over 10,000 units probably still in service, it would make less sense to go this route for the AA-1. Look to the 0-320 as a more desirable (and cost effective) answer. STC’s reliably available.

    • #15450
      Gregary Martel

      I have been looking at options to improve overall performance and range with the potential to also increase payload. It seems the fuel burn is about 15-20% lower than the O-235 and would eliminate the need for aux fuel and lower the hourly cost when compared to the O-320 STC.

      At the present this is still a research exercise since the lower weight of the Rotax would impact the CG too.

    • #15451
      Richard Harrison

      Another option is a HC 0-235 upgrade. Talk to Roscoe about “Spanky”.

    • #15454
      Gregary Martel

      Thank you. Roscoe, tell me about “Spanky”!

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