Remove tiger wheel pants

Home Forums Maintenance of Grummans Landing Gear Remove tiger wheel pants


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  • Author
    • #8042
      Ray Seligman

      Never done it before. Is there anything particularly difficult about removing the front and main gear wheel pants On a Grumman tiger assuming I am reasonably adept at using hand tools? Is it legal?

    • #8057
      Roscoe Rosché

      Try these two videos for starters:

      Main Fairing Removal:

      Main Fairing Install:



    • #8063
      Ray Seligman

      As always thank you for your information. I truly appreciate it. I had already seen that video but somebody told me that somebody told them that they thought someone else told them that to do the front fairing you had to actually remove the front wheel. It was hearsay about nine times removed. That is not correct is it? Again thanks for your quick response to these things. Perfect day to spend in the hanger getting this done unless I have to remove the front wheel. Have a really good holiday

      Sent from my iPhone

    • #8066
      Dan Voegeli

      Sorry but yes. You either have to remove the front wheel and yoke by taking the castle nut off the bottom of the front strut, being carefull to remember how the washers were placed on the front strut or remove the front strut and then take it off that way.

    • #8073
      Ray Seligman

      Thank you so much for the answer. I think it’s also a very good day to watch football. Happy holidays

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