Nose Strut Information

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    • #13760
      Richard Harrison

      I posted this on the GG, but thought I would also post it here.

      Just to clarify, there were a total of 5 struts. 4 were installed by the factory on the AA-1 series, and 3 were used on the AA-5 series. Here is a list by SN from the Parts Manuals

      AA-1 Series.
      PN 702057-501 Strut was used on aircraft SN AA1-0001 through 0235.

      -503 Strut used on AA1-0236 and on, also AA1A-0001 to 0315.

      -505 Strut used on AA1A-0316 and on, AA1B-0001-0201 (with a few exceptions).

      -506 Strut came on AA1B-0202 and on and all AA-1C.

      AA-5 Series
      PN 702057-505 Strut used on AA5-0001 thru AA5-0376, 0381, 0382, 0383, 0384, 0386, 0387, 0388.
      –506 Strut used on AA5-0377 thru AA5-0380. AA5-0385. AA5-0389 and on.
      -507 Strut used on AA5B-0001 and on. AA5A-0001 and on.

      I have a -506 strut and a -507 strut on the bench, the -507 is 1″ taller. And as I recall the -506 is 1″ taller than the -505.
      So if you have an early Traveler, the strut is about 2” shorter then the one used on the Cheetah and Tiger. The OM for the early Traveler shows 7 3/4″ of prop clearance, where the Cheetah shows 10.6″.
      Also, the early Yankee shows to have 8″ of prop clearance (with the low profile main tires which made the nose sit a bit higher), while the late AA-1B (and -1C) shows 9 3/4″ clearance using the standard 6.00X6 main tires. My ’76 AA-1B swinging a 74″ prop has about 9 1/2″ measured.
      I am looking at using the -506 strut on my Yankee project which will also be swinging a 74″ prop. The Yankee has the 15-6.00X6 low profile main tires so I expect to get around 10″ of prop clearance on it.

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