Cheetah – Main Fairing Redo

Home Forums Restorations Cheetah – Main Fairing Redo

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    • #4592
      Roscoe Rosché

      The main gear fairing redo is a bit trickier than the nose fairing.  In the mains,  all the pieces have to be positioned with  the fairing  sitting level with the ground when mounted on the plane.

      Just like the nose all the metal brackets will be bead blasted, cleaned, primed, and painted before reinstalling them in the new shells.

      Let us look at all the pieces.  There is the innerplate which adds strength to the shell where the axle will be.
      innerplatecleanplatesThere is the axle bracket which is one the outside whit a smaller bracket to capture the ‘Hat Washer’.axlebracketThe smaller bracket above is the flex bolt bracket which mounts in the oval hole at the top of the fairing.clenflexFinally there is the big complex bracket that mounts to the fairing and hold it to the main gear bracket.oldbrackets
      insidebracket This piece is the inside metal bracket that add strength to the open on the inside of the fairing where it attaches to the gear leg.
      Now, take all those metal pieces, take them completely apart, throw away the old hardware, blast, clean, prime and paint and you will be ready for installation.axlebracketapart









      Since the shell is fragile, I start with the inside piece to support the big opening.bracketin rivets rivetholes insideview bracketoutOkay a few of the picture are out of sequence, but it is easy to see how it goes together.

      Here is the first two pieces position, held in position with the sealant and then rivets.

      axleinstalledNow the holes are drilled, clecoed in place and then riveted.axlehole clecos outerriveted insideview

      outerplateFinally all new hardware.newhardwareNow prime the shell(s).primerAnd now Paint and stripe to match the plane.N27163

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