Back seat Passengers

Home Forums Operation of Our Aircraft Loading Back seat Passengers

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    • #5445
      Dennis Cheever

      I have been warned not to let two people board at the same time, putting both their weight on the steps might put the tail an on the ground. Is there much concern once back seat passengers are on board? Should you let them get settled in then board the front seats one at a time?

    • #5446
      Roscoe Rosché

      I’ve seen more than one Tiger with full fuel, 2 in the back, small cargo and then when one of the front seat passengers get in, sit on it’s tail. When this happens you almost always get a crease in the trim tab.

      With the lighter engine of the cheetah this will be worse.

      So, the solution is to have the two front passengers, stand on the forward wing walk while the back two get in.



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