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    • #16850
      Robert Hinds

      Just got the Grumman back from annual where the A&P replaced the #4 intake tube. The exhaust temperatures and operation of the engine have all returned to normal. I never got any responses to my issue but if any of you read my post, I thought you might like to know.

    • #16728
      Robert Hinds

      I misstated one section, reversing exhaust temperature with cylinder head temp. That section should read like this to make sense:

      “While cruising at a constant throttle setting, changing to a climb (without changing the throttle) RPM is reduced and EGT follows accordingly. When I descent (also without changing the throttle) the EGT climbs as the propeller RPM increases.”

      Sorry for the mistake – I hope my issue is a little more easily understood


    • #16065
      Robert Hinds

      I don’t think you would be interested in trading for my beautiful Traveler but I am interested in your Lancair. For how much are you asking?

    • #16064
      Robert Hinds

      Today I removed my propeller from my Traveler and replaced it with a Sensensich. It has less than 100 hours since overhaul and is in fully serviceable condition. It is for a certified aircraft and comes with the original logbook – if you still need a propeller to fit a 150hp 0-320, this is it!

    • #15835
      Robert Hinds

      I live in Alabama and am also interested in the 160hp STC, electronic ignition and polishing as well. I assume that with the power upgrade, a propeller change would be warranted as well? Unfortunately, my engine has less that 100 hours since overhaul so I am not sure this upgrade is in my best interest at this time. It more depends on the cost than anything else. Do any of you know a shop in the southeast that may be able to accommodate the aforementioned upgrade?

    • #15452
      Robert Hinds

      Thanks, Yoyo, that is useful information. Recently, I have developed a concern about my propeller. It appears to have an uneven thrust issue. I cannot be sure (I have not measured the pitch) but I am getting a slight vibration at take-off power and have noticed a thumping sound that appears to be about 1 thump per revolution. Should it be a poorly pitched side, 1 thump per rev would make sense. It may not be the prop, in fact it may be nothing, but until I get an experienced Grumman pilot to fly with me, I have no way to be certain. Otherwise, the plane flies great and I am very pleased with my purchase. Thanks for the advice!

    • #15316
      Robert Hinds

      The prop has been overhauled fairly recently so I am unwilling to make a pitch change to a good propeller. I actually like the idea of having a spare prop – one for cruising and one for putting around with decent climb performance in the summer heat. I am most interested what the performance differences were with those of you who have changed from a climb to cruise propeller and if it is worth the $.

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