Protected: John Pardillo

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    • #12440
      John Pardillo

      All the horizontal control surfaces have some degree of repair needed. It’s probably a whole lot cheaper to have me fix them.

    • #12437
      John Pardillo

      Starting to prep for control service bondline repairs while we wait for materials. Right flap was the worst, just under the 30% minor/major cutoff per 125A.

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    • #12434
      John Pardillo

      Wing is back on the a/c. New O-rings, Stat-O-Seals, and ran “B” type fuel sealant around the endplates and bolt heads. The owner brought me a Semkit for that from the local supplier. Not my favorite seeing as I do not have the application tool but that was all they had so I got the job done. Came out nice and is holding fuel fine now.

    • #12373
      John Pardillo

      There is a drain in the center of the spar under the fuselage. After we replaced the wings and I hooked everything up, I put some fuel in each side to check for leaks. Noticed fuel coming out the drain. I defueled the right wing as that was the one that we had a lot of trouble removing and the leak stopped. Guess our only option is to pull the wing again. I am hoping it is easier this time.

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by John Pardillo.
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