What would cause this on my crankcase vent tube?

Home Forums Maintenance of Grummans Engine What would cause this on my crankcase vent tube?

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    • #8870
      Man Of Spokane

      Was this just a previous mechanic not being careful enough when re-installing the cowling after an inspection? [see attached pic]

      After a flight I looked under the plane and noticed some light oil had streaked all the way down the belly to the tail cone. I found it originated right at the crankcase vent tube. When I opened up the cowling, that’s when I noticed this massive crack in the tube. I’m assuming when the crack doesn’t exist, that the oil travels all the way down the tube and since it sticks down from the belly about an inch that it discards without hitting the belly of the plane? I’m guessing with this crack though that it finds little gaps in the belly and sticks to it? Does that sound right?

      Next question, until I can get my mechanic to swap this out for a new metal tube, is there any type of tape I could wrap around this that you guys think would be safe? I would have to imagine that some form of tape would be safe in this location to help prevent any oil from splattering inside and then down the belly?

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    • #8873
      Bob Dutton

      Check with Fletchair. They may have a serviceable replacement tube for you of Ken Blackman – he has a number of used parts. My 91 Tiger will occasionally have a very light smear of oil on the belly to the tail cone from the vent. No idea why. My A&P/AI who also is a mechanical engineer says it’s not unusual. I have brand new cylinders (about 50 hrs) so I know it not rings or valves.

    • #8874
      Man Of Spokane

      Thanks so much. My guess is this is a fairly common sized tube as it just connects to a rubber hose up on the top size. I’m thinking that my local shop will have something that will work just fine.

      I did notice I had more oil on the belly after 2hrs of a very bumpy flight. I’m still new to ownership, is it possible that higher turbulence would cause the oil to get tossed up to the top of the engine a bit more and then obviously out the vent? Like you, last compression test showed all 75+/80.

      I’m curious though, until I can get in with the local shop to replace it, do you guys think I could wrap it with something like the metallic duct-work tape? I can’t see any danger in this but I wasn’t about to do anything without some feedback.

    • #8875
      Man Of Spokane

      Update… I believe all is well. Local A&P emailed me the following after I described what I found and sent pics…

      “The vent tube is not damaged . It’s what’s called a whistle vent that keeps the breather tube from ever icing up and blowing your crankshaft seal.”

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