Strange vibration/ impetus

Home Forums Ask the Gurus Strange vibration/ impetus

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    • #6772
      Simeon Traykov

      Dear all

      I have some strange problem with the vibration. When flying some times there is strange transverse vibration from wing to wing. Swinging- left, right, left right like someone push me forward and he is on the wings.
      Is it possible to be from the propeller (McCauley TCDS). Overall it is 8 from 10 the condition of it, just some scars from pebbles witch is normal and not deep.
      These vibrations are from time to time. Sometimes there are during cruise in time of 2-3 min but can be in 40-50min, other in the vicinity of the airport for short flights 10-20 min. They are here when is hot, when is cold or moist. Very unregular vibrations. It’s not terrible but is not comfy during 2-3 hours flight. I don’t know what to do. Can you help me please ?

      The plane is always been in a hangar including non-home base airfield. There was an overhaul 2014 and was repainted. Is in perfect condition 9 form 10.

    • #6817
      Gary Soloway

      What model Grumman do you have? How long has it been doing this? Can you make it vibrate? Can you make the vibration go away? If you pull the engine to idle in flight while it is vibrating, does it go away? If you go to full throttle, does it go away? Did you own the airplane before it was painted? Who painted the airplane? Was it painted by an aircraft paint shop? If you slow the airplane down to say 80 knots while it is vibrating, does the vibration go away? What region of the country do you live in? Are you close to a Grumman specialist?

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