Scale for Nose Wheel Check

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    • #6680
      Roscoe Rosché

      The nose wheel needs 14-22 pounds of pull at the axle to prevent the front wheel shimmy.  The factory used a Chatillon Gauge R #719-40 MRP to measure this amount.  You can buy them still:

      However at $319.74 plus shipping, that is a lot for a scale.  Walmart sells this 0-50 pounds scale for $4.44.  The hook at the bottom can be made into a 90 degree bend and not hurt the fairing.  You can also use it to weight bags for loading calculations in weight and balance.The hook is unbent to almost 90 degrees and then shielded with some polyethylene  tubing to protect the fairing.  It also grabs the inside of the fairing, which is rough, and since the tubing is soft, will not slip as much,Here it is inserted with the hook pointing forward.  I prefer to measure here, and it is a shorter lever arm that the axle (about 5%) and thus setting the belville washers at max tension, you are getting a bit more since it tends to loosen up over time and the grease is forced out of the washer stack.

      We use the Chatallon in the shop since we bought a used one at the Auction in 1994.



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