New Tiger Pilot Here

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    • #1715
      Andy Chen

      Just saying hello…just got checked out in a Tiger over at Hortman Aviation (KPNE) recently, only have two hops totaling less than 5 hours. Enjoying it so far, looking forward to learning more about it.

      Sad news for those that haven’t heard: Herb Hortman apparently died about two weeks ago…something about a staph infection… 🙁


      • This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Andy Chen.
    • #1741
      Jim Freeman

      Welcome to the group! I’m relatively new to the Tiger as well (just over a year), but have loved every bit of it! And I’ve found the community to be incredibly welcoming and helpful.

      Enjoy the flying!

      • #1787
        Andy Chen

        Thanks…unfortunately, since the last time I visited here, Hortman Aviation has decided to close shop with the passing of Herb, so no more ready access to their AG-5Bs. 🙁

        However, Infinity Flight at TTN is setting up shop over at PNE, and they’ll be putting an AA-5B on the line that they’ve arranged through a leaseback, so at least I can fly that one…hoping they’ll buy at least one of the Hortman birds and base it at TTN, where it’ll be a lot easier for me to get to vs. PNE…

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