Grumman Tiger Keeps pulling towards left

Home Forums Ask the Gurus Grumman Tiger Keeps pulling towards left


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    • #12670
      Joe McGuinnis

      My 1979 Tiger keep rolling to left at slow speed on the ground. I have to keep constant right brake and rudder applied to keep it rolling straight on taxi

    • #12671
      Richard Harrison

      There are lots of things that can contribute to that. I assume you have checked for a dragging brake.
      Make sure the tension on the axle nuts are correct, not to tight or too much play. If not correct, you will be replacing wheel bearings (and races) at some point.
      Then there are possible gear alignment issues that could cause it to pull one way. Checks outlined in the service manual would need to be done to verify this.
      Hopefully it is not a nose Torque Tube issue (the tube that runs horizontally behind the rudder peddles that the nose strut attaches to), that is a big job if it needs to come out for repair.
      Let us know how your troubleshooting goes.

    • #12672
      Joe McGuinnis

      thanks for the quick response. I had it looked at this morning and it was a dragging left brake caliper. All better now.

      Thanks again


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