Delamination on trailing edge of wing

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    • #7774
      Randy Norris

      My 75 Traveler has several 4” to 10” long delaminated areas on the top and bottom of the trailing edge of the wing & horizontal stabilizer. I have found the SK125A paper, but it seems to just addres the ailerons. Am i misinterpreting this and the rivet protocol is what I HAVE to do, or is there another way to repair.


    • #7780
      M.D. Wills

      I went through annual in July on my ’75 Traveler and it had delamination on trailing edges. The correct way (as far as my IA and FAA are concerned) is the SK125A procedure since it’s the documented solution. Using the Glue and Rivets you get from Fletchair was all my AP needed. It took him about 2 hours total and he didn’t have to remove the Flaps/Ailerons. My AP has a lot of Grumman experience so YMMV!.


      p.s. My AP used ‘Matterhorn White’ (cessna color) to match the wing color and it was a perfect match.

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by M.D. Wills.
    • #7787

      Just pay attention to c-3 and not to c-1. C-2 is for delam of control surfaces c-1 is for airframe delam

      Paragraph C-1:
      “For repair of minor bondline delamination in ALL AIRFRAME AREAS”

      Paragraph C-2:
      “For repair of minor bondline delamination of control surface trailing edge”

      Control surface includes ailerons but is not limited to ailerons

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