Cigarette Lighter Socket.

Home Forums Ask the Gurus Cigarette Lighter Socket.

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    • #5371
      Robert Walker

      I have a 1979 Gulfstream/Grumman AA 5A Cheeta.

      No power on cigarette lighter socket.

      Anyone know where it is fused. None of the fuses are labelled cigarette lighter?

      I have a camera which can use the 12 volt power from this socket.

      All the fuses on the panel are O.K.

    • #5372
      Roscoe Rosché

      The fuse is usually located in a wire bundle on the co-pilot side of the console, inboard. Will require getting down there and looking for it, it is right above the bottom of the console cover. It will be in an inline fuse (usually white, but some black). Change the fuse, and off you go.

      While you are down there, look at the big 3 by 3 or so Molex connector and see if it is burn on one corner. That corner is the flashing beacon. 11 amps or so.



    • #5389
      Robert Walker

      Wow, Thank you for the fast response Roscoe.

      I will look for that fuse next time I use the aircraft.

      Could be in a few days time due to work commitments.


    • #5768
      Eric Larsen

      My local mechanic advised me to figure out a plug for the cigarette lighter socket to prevent it from shorting out if it got moisture in it, or a coin dropped in, etc. My plane leaks a little if cover is off. Mechanic gave me a plug, but it did not really fit correctly and got stuck. I fished it out and got busy with my CAD system and a 3D printer. After a few iterations I made a perfect plug. If anyone wants more details on how to do this or would be willing to buy one of the plugs from me let me know.

    • #5771
      Roscoe Rosché


      GO to the auto parts store and buy a rubber plug that goes in the cig lighter and has a no-smoking sign on it! Cost 1.79.

      Alternately, if you drink wine, take a synthetic cord and make a plug. Paint it orange or red.

      I chose the rubber no smoking plug like one of these.


    • #6040
      Robert Walker

      O.K. Roscoe,

      Finally got round to looking for this fuse.

      On my aircraft there is no wire bundle on the co pilot side.

      Removed all covers on pilot side to examine wire bundle, no sign of an inline fuse?

      Do you know of any other possible location? I have checked every fuse I can find including an inline fuse found behind the fuse panel on the co pilot side.

      Re. Things falling into socket I have a voltmeter plug in the socket which I previously used to monitor my car battery. Still indicating no power.

    • #6041
      Roscoe Rosché

      There should be a fuse inline about level with the air vents on the co-pilot side of the center console behind the fuel gauges. If you cannot find it, then you will have to trace the line from the socket, never fun.



    • #6042
      Robert Walker

      O.K Thank you Roscoe,

      I had the fascia panel off the fuel gauges for a good look behind them, no luck.

      I am changing the altitude encoder next week so will be able to have a better look behind the panel.

    • #7699
      Eugene LaFaille

      Wine cork works great for a plug!

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