Baffling Baffles

Home Forums Maintenance of Grummans Engine Baffling Baffles

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    • #1411
      Roscoe Rosché

      The baffle seals on our planes are critical to engine cooling. That means they need to have a good fit, have slits cut so they conform well to the upper cowling, and have the corners anchored via a countersunk screw, locking nut and some rtv.
      baffle seals small

      baffle seal corner small
      Here are a couple of pictures to illustrate. Enjoy!

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    • #1523

      And might I suggest checking the condition of the baffles every once and a while on your preflight, particularly if you have some sort of EGT readout and notice one cylinder is warmer than the rest.
      We’d mentioned to Roscoe at our annual that the #4 cylinder was showing hotter than the others on the EGT. It took him about 4 seconds to spot a large crack in the baffle around #4, which I probably should’ve noticed on a preflight if I’d really been looking….
      EGTs are much better matched now!

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