Advice for best tool to use to cut the holes for a new plastic panel?

Home Forums Ask the Gurus Advice for best tool to use to cut the holes for a new plastic panel?

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    • #8939
      Kristopher Maynard

      Ordered a plastic replacement panel for my 1977 Cheetah. I want the cuts for instruments to be very clean for a clean look. Any advice appreciated for the best tool and method to make the cuts would be appreciated. Panel is from Fletch Air (A-2010). Thx

    • #8972

      Tin snips to rough shape, and then low speed dremmel tool with cone shaped sander. Lots of trim, sand, fit, check… good luck. I bought a metal panel overlay from Gary Vought for my once owned Cheetah that was pre-cut. Fit perfectly.

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