Protected: Wayne Bunker

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    • #14864
      Wayne Bunker

      There is a mandatory service bulletin for the tailBeacon firmware. It is a very easy upload that will only take a couple of minutes and the uavionix website has a straight forward pdf with hyperlinks to walk you through the process. Essentially download and install the BeaconUpdate Tool to a wifi pc or laptop. Download the new firmware, turn on your tailBeacon (position lights). Link your pc to the tailbeacon via the BeaconUpdate Tool and install the new firmware.


      tailBeacon ADS-B Software v1.5.1 implements the following changes:

      Flight Plan ID (squawk code) is now reported as ‘0000’ instead of ‘Not Available’, prior to the tailBeacon Transponder Monitor detecting a squawk code. This situation can occur in non-radar environments, or prior to achieving radar contact. The change is in accordance with updated TSO deviations as approved for tailBeacon, to better integrate with the operational characteristics of FAA Air traffic control (ATC) systems.
      Flight Plan ID (squawk code) data lifetime (timeout) has been updated from 60 seconds to infinity (through a given power cycle), which persists the last known squawk code after leaving a radar environment. The change is in accordance with updated TSO deviations as approved for tailBeacon, to better integrate with the operational characteristics of FAA Air Traffic Control (ATC) systems.
      The ADS-B firmware part number is now made available through electronic marking, viewable in the iOS and Android apps, as well as the Windows firmware update tool.
      Products Affected:

      tailBeacon TSO (UAV-1002183-001) MOD 0, and MOD 1 running ADS-B software v1.4.0 or previous.


      This Service Bulletin is mandatory.

      Certification Approval:

      STC SA04427CH

      tailBeacon STC Installation Manual UAV-1002514-001 Rev C

      Service Bulletin:

      There are two versions of the Service Bulletin depending on how the tailBeacon installation was approved:

      If the tailBeacon was installed using the STC or the FAA ADS-B Policy Memo please follow the STC Service Bulletin:

      tailBeacon STC Service Bulletin UAV-1003174-002-Rev-A

      Beacon Update Tool:

      UAV-1002767 BeaconUpdate Tool v1.1.0 (Windows 7 or higher with Wi-Fi capability required)

      skyBeacon v 1.5.1 Firmware:

      The skyBeacon and tailBeacon utilize the same firmware. The filename and link below are correct for both skyBeacon and tailBeacon

      UAV-1001759-007 skyBeacon v1.5.1

      For additional information or questions please contact

    • #14863
      Wayne Bunker

      As a follow up, I installed the skyTec 149-NL. It bolts up very nice and is a strong starter. Very pleased so far.

    • #13130
      Wayne Bunker

      The tail beacon was a very easy install as well as the flight test. Works as advertised. Affordable ADS-B out solution.

    • #12384
      Wayne Bunker

      Does anyone know if the Uavonix tail beacon works with the “red Rudder cap” STC/mod for a Tiger?

    • #12329
      Wayne Bunker

      I’m on the list too.

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