Nose wheel shimmy

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  • Author
    • #8811
      Bob Cassidy

      Does anyone have a cure for a nose wheel shimmy? The shimmy starts at anything faster that a fast walk.
      Bob Cassidy

    • #8812
      Roscoe Rosché

      Yes, we do. You need to put more pressure on your bellville washers. Where are you located?



    • #8973
      Man Of Spokane

      Look at the following video from Jim Bede, the guy that designed the Grumman line. Check out the video starting at 1:02:00 in (1hr02min).

      Jim Bede Speaks – 1985 – Grumman Style

      I’ll transpose it here for the benefit of all, because something tells me a lot of A&P’s working on our planes don’t know this and are getting it wrong and solving it with the wrong solution. I’m experiencing wheel shimmy right now and I need to get this to my A&P to figure out how to adjust it as Jim Bede describes in this video.

      “on the nose wheel shimmy… check one thing, when after it comes out of the airplane fuselage and turns and bends down, the shaft that is sticking down that the fork is swiviling on, that shaft should be 4 to 6 degrees sweeping backwards. Not 3 1/2, not 6 1/2. It can be 4, it can be 5, it can be 6 or anywhere in between. If you have it right on, 99% chance you’ll never get shimmy. If it something other than that, you have a 99% chance you will have shimmy. So, now tightening the nut up on the bottom is a good solution to what you now already have as a problem. If it isn’t doing that, I don’t know exactly the easy way to fix it. Maybe the mod people can come up with… all you gotta do is really change the way that angle is bent. You can’t just re-adjust the airplane or how it fits into the fuselage or anything like that…

      [audience asks a follow-up question, talks about heat treating to bend, etc.]

      All I’m tellin’ you is somebody somewhere down the line got it real clever and figured all this out one time and it does work and that’s what the original drawings calls out, that’s what it should have been. But when I look at something out there and it doesn’t look like it’s sweeping back. And uh, and one time on a BD-1 we made some changes up front and by golly I think it was sittin’ at 2 degrees and it shakes ya pretty good… The other solution is to tighten up the nut and put more friction and then the only difficulty you have then it’s a little harder to steer with because you’re fightin’ the friction with that. But if it’s 4 to 6 degree, it will be gone.”

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