Wheel pant crack repair

Home Forums Maintenance of Grummans Landing Gear Wheel pant crack repair

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    • #6162
      Timothy Engvalson

      I have cracks in each of my main gear wheel pants. Is there a solution to repairing them as apposed to buying new?

    • #6182
      Roscoe Rosché


      I just did one today as part of an annual, it was to the fuel sump on a Cheetah, but the principle is the same.

      Here are the basics:
      1) Clean the repair area. I used Lacquer Thinner and paper towel. You can see in the picture that the crack had been stop drilled twice, but not repaired.sump-crack
      2) Put a piece of blue tape on the outside of the crack after aligning the pieces so they match up.blue-tape-on-outside
      3) Cut a piece of nylon screen that overlays about an inch each side of the crack. I used this area due to the fact that the sump cover was ready to break into two.screen-patch
      4) Spread a bit of the ABS cement (I used medium ABS Black cement) to that the screen will stick to it. You can now move the screen into final position. Since the crack I was repairing started in one of the screw holes, I went all the way to the edge of the sump and almost to the leg section for the added strength. I will drill out the patch where the hole is.repair-start
      5) Now coat all the screen with cement. With the application ball that came with the can it only take a few minutes to coat this. Then place overnight to let cure.repair-finish


      Here is the product I use available at all the big box hardware/home stores.



    • #6191
      Timothy Engvalson

      Thanks Roscoe!

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