AA5B Seat Belts Non Inertial reel

Home Forums Maintenance of Grummans AA5B Seat Belts Non Inertial reel


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  • Author
    • #15502
      David Collier

      I am looking for a source of replacement Seat Belts for my 1978 AA5B. Do any of you have sources that you have used or could recommend? I have not had much luck finding any. -Dave

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by David Collier.
    • #15829
      Bill Grahn

      Hi Dave,
      I have a ’79 Cheetah. I had my front lap and shoulder belts re-webbed by Wag Aero for ~$140 a seat. Not sure that’s what you mean by replacement, but the belts look great and have the legible tags on them.

    • #15830
      David Collier

      Thanks Bill,

      Yes, I found eventually Aero Fabricators part of WAG-AERO. They did a great job with my front belts. They look like new. A note, your old belts need to have a legible tag on them though. I had to get a used belt from another Tiger owner that had upgraded to the Inertial reels in order to get a legible tag. I hope this post helps other in the community.


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