making the most of Grumman expert

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    • #10054

      I’m in the process of purchasing a Tiger and have the pre-purchase inspection scheduled with Fletchair. I’m wondering if there is anything recommended or parts that I should get while the plane is there. Once I ferry it home to Seattle, it may be awhile before it sees a Grumman specific mechanic. Thanks for any insight that you share, I’m excited to be moving up from my Piper Warrior.

    • #10066
      Roscoe Rosché

      The fact that it is at Fletchair is so that they will go over the plane. They will replaced any parts that have failed. Good news is that after seeing a Grumman shop, it will be good for years. Plus you also have Cliff Hansen at 7S5 in Oregon.

    • #10068
      Roscoe Rosché

      Let me add that you have Fletchair rig the airplane control surfaces to neutral and set the throws as well. Maybe even rudder petals.

    • #10565


    • #11022

      Concur with Roscoe. Scott E. from FletchAir did my pre-buy and it was very thorough.
      Common things I wish I would have picked up while there:
      – New Nav light lenses
      – Stickers! My airplane was missing all the Grumman stickers, they have some, but not all.
      – New placards (if any of yours need replaced)
      – Interior Plastics & Windows (if you need them). Costly to ship!

      Oh, and I hear they LOVE it when you bring them BBQ. 🙂

    • #11025
      Roscoe Rosché


      I think I have a few sets of nav lenses from Ken at my hangar.



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