All posts by Jeff Johnson

About Jeff Johnson

I live and work in Huddleston VA selling dressage horses with wife Susan Cooper. impulsionunlimited.comSue loves the flexibility that we get with our tiger and is pushing to me to complete my commercial rating. Our children are 2 Bull Mastiffs and a Boston Terrier.My other business is consulting on sales processes and sales performance, pipeline management, and sales forecasting.

October 31, 2017, Volume XXII

Happy Halloween GPA!

No tricks, but here are some treats!


To help with finding videos we have added a complete video list that will be maintained to the website as an option under “Channel” option. i.e. Channel-> YouTube Video List

434 videos now in the collection.
Subscribers 39 this last month bringing total to 392
Views 10,908 last 28 days with a total of 62,655 views.
Watch time 46,730 minutes for the last 28 days.

New Video Formats

There are a couple of new types of videos that we have tried. One uses the Savvy maintenance data display to show engine-operating levels such as CHT, Fuel Flow, and RPM. In other videos we use still and text panels to carry the message.

Keep the suggestions coming.


1252 Members as of this newsletter.

One member has sold his Tiger so we lost one, but we got another the same day.

Forum Posts

<div class="wpmlposts"> <div class="wpmlpost"> <h3>Delamination on trailing edge of wing</h3> <p><small>Posted on October 31, 2017 by Randy Norris</small></p> <div class="wpmlpost_content">

My 75 Traveler has several 4” to 10” long delaminated areas on the top and bottom of the trailing edge of the wing & horizontal stabilizer. I have found the SK125A paper, but it seems to just addres the ailerons. Am i misinterpreting this and the rivet protocol is what I HAVE to do, or…

</div> </div> <hr style="visibility:hidden; clear:both;" /> </div> <div class="wpmlposts"> <div class="wpmlpost"> <h3>Not sure where to ask this</h3> <p><small>Posted on October 29, 2017 by Ray Seligman</small></p> <div class="wpmlpost_content"> Not sure where to ask this

So for the last month I have owned a 1979 tiger and I couldn’t be happier. The only problem is getting it back into the hanger and it was a bear to push. So I set up a winch that Pulls backwards from the front. Not my design OK clearly stole it from someone else…

</div> </div> <hr style="visibility:hidden; clear:both;" /> </div> <div class="wpmlposts"> <div class="wpmlpost"> <h3>Canopy cleaning</h3> <p><small>Posted on October 29, 2017 by Ray Seligman</small></p> <div class="wpmlpost_content">

What is the consensus on the best product to clean the canopy? And is it actually plexiglass or is it real glass?

</div> </div> <hr style="visibility:hidden; clear:both;" /> </div>

There is a YouTube video covering plastic products, ‘LP Plastic Window Polishes – Grumman Style’, Enjoy!

Airplane Prices

One of the things that the GPA helps people with is finding their own Grumman.  So we have a fairly good idea of the price of the planes that are selling.  We do also see the same birds over and over.

Prices are up right now on Grummans so there are a lot of planes on the market that have been sitting for awhile with brand new price tags.  Shop with care and be sure and demand a good pre-purchase from a knowledgeable Grumman shop.

September 27, 2017 – Volume XXII,

Trio Autopilot

Just a quick reminder that if you are interested in a Trio autopilot (roll steering and altitude hold) that the expected price is $8,000 and the delivery time frame if 25 Grumman owners are interested is prior to end of 2017.  Paul is actually shooting for late November.

For those who choose to wait, it may be over a year before they circle back to making install kits again for the Grummans.

Ken Blackman, Dave Fletcher and Roscoe are working with them for a hell-hole (under the rear seat) install of both servo for a quick and clean installation.

Just wanted everyone to know about it so there will be no hard feeling for those left out.  I know of 4 owners who have sent their money as oi this writing.

Send your check for $2,000.00 USD to:

The STC Group
3168 Jacinto Avenue
Simi Valley, CA 93063

also send the following:

Your Name
Aircraft Type
Serial Number
Registration Number
System Voltage
Panel mount or round-hole mount

Stay tuned for the findings.

September 20, 2017, Volume XXI

Well fall will be upon us tomorrow, here is a bit of news to help you pass the time until then.


To help with finding videos we have added a complete video list that will be maintained to the website as an option under “Channel” option. i.e. Channel-> YouTube Video List

347 videos now in the collection.
Subscribers 31 this last month bringing total to 338
Views 7,102 last 28 days with a total of 47,557 views.
Watch time 38,222 minutes for the last 28 days.

New Video Formats

There are a couple of new types of videos that we have tried. One uses the Savvy maintenance data display to show engine-operating levels such as CHT, Fuel Flow, and RPM. In other videos we use still and text panels to carry the message.

Keep the suggestions coming.

New Grumman Shop

There is a new Grumman shop on the east coast, “Mid Atlantic Yankee Aviation” located at Eagle’s Nest (31E) run by Jimmy Candeletti.


1212 Members as of this newsletter.

One member has sold his Tiger so we lost one, but we got another the same day.

Forum Posts

<div class="wpmlposts"> <div class="wpmlpost"> <h3>Starter Issues</h3> <p><small>Posted on August 24, 2017 by Pat</small></p> <div class="wpmlpost_content">

We have been experiencing a starting problem since the middle of the summer. Pushing the start button we hear the new starter relay (changed out yesterday) engage with a good snap but the starter doesn't engage with the fly wheel. The only sound when pressing the start button is the relay snap. Is my next…

</div> </div> <hr style="visibility:hidden; clear:both;" /> </div> <div class="wpmlposts"> <div class="wpmlpost"> <h3>Is this ok?</h3> <p><small>Posted on August 25, 2017 by Ray Seligman</small></p> <div class="wpmlpost_content"> Is this ok?

I have found a Grumman tiger that I have fallen in love with. It has about 590 hours SMOH age. I was there when they run a compression check and they were all at about 77. Then they cut open the oil filter and they found this. I am being told this is completely normal.…

</div> </div> <hr style="visibility:hidden; clear:both;" /> </div> <div class="wpmlposts"> <div class="wpmlpost"> <h3>Fuel Sump Rust?</h3> <p><small>Posted on June 30, 2017 by Peter B</small></p> <div class="wpmlpost_content"> Fuel Sump Rust?

Can anyone shed some light on to what is causing this rust? I appreciate it! (see pic attached)

</div> </div> <hr style="visibility:hidden; clear:both;" /> </div>

Events and Gatherings

Red Steward – Rained out

Eclipse – Awesome

Independence – Good turnout

Treo Autopilot STC

For those interested in one of the new autopilots, if we can get 30 Grumman owners to commit, we can each save $1,000.00 off of the Autopilot STC Price. That would be $7,000 for each of us. Contact Gwena Odum, (805) 624-1516 to put your name on the list. They are asking for a $2,000 deposit and hope to have this all done by April. Give them a call, as they need 25 folks to push our planes ahead in the line of airframes.

Cheap Planes

First rule of aircraft buying, always buy the best plane you can afford.

Case in point, one member bought a derelict plane that had sat for 20 years and he thought he was getting a good deal at buying it for $10,000.  First thing he did was put a new Lycoming engine on the plane which set him back $42,000 for the engine and the labor.  His old engine was not a worthy core.

So with faded and peeling original paint, corrosion on the surface skin, broken plastic, original worn interior and carpets and no avionics he had over $55,000 in a plane he could have sold for mid to low-thirties.

So buy the best plane you can afford and get a good pre-purchase from someone who know Grummans.

Magazine Articles

We have 42 articles from 1967 to August of 2017 talking about our line of aircraft. They can be found under INFO -> MAGAZINE ARTICLES.

Across the USA

Neal Coyle (one of our very early members) is relocating from South Carolina to Medford, OR and is taking 2 weeks to zig-zag across the US at 2500 MSL and see the sights. Look for him and N430BS at an airport near you.


With all the talk of AI (artificial intelligence) and self driving cars these days, I would like to that Gene T for reminding me of a computer joke from the 1960’s.

Folks are on an airliners and the cabin system comes on and announces that the plane will under computer control for the entire flight and there fore much safer than in human hands. The computer voice let folks know of the route, cruising altitude and finally let them know how safe they will be during the flight. As a final bit of encouragement the computer says, “Nothing can go wrong, Nothing can go wrong, Nothing can go wrong, Nothing can go wrong. . .”

Compression Test

Airplane was recently in for annual when one cylinder was at 52 when all the others were at 76. The cylinder was leaking past the intake. Owner was a bit concerned but the intake in not a critical area like the exhaust. So the plane was pulled out and run for a few minutes at fairly high power and then shutdown. Reading after that was 75.

September 1, 2017 Volume XX

What has your GPA done for you lately.

On the way to Oshkosh, helped an owner trouble shoot and then get his plane started to compete the trip.

Plane landed at Oshkosh and owner found Jimmy Candeletti who saw that the seat back hardware had worn and fallen out. A new packet of hardware including the bushing was put together and sent up to Oshkosh so it could be flown home.


Subscribers 46 this last month bringing total to 320
Views 12,657 last 28 days with a total of 43,109 views.
Watch time is 39,555 minutes for the last 28 days.


1199 Members 49 since last month


One of the subjects covered and demonstrated at the June Wrench Bending Weekend was one of the most common screw-ups made in maintenance of our airplanes. It only affects Tigers but that is a large chunk of our fleet. I have made the statement many times, and I will again, that if you line up any random 50 tigers and pull the props, you will find at least half or more of them with damaged aft bulkheads for the spinner. Since I doubt there are any active AA-5Bs out there still using the original light walled spinner with the plastic forward bulkhead, and the same parts are on all AG-5Bs, this is a pretty huge problem. It has been ongoing since late 1979 when the “heavy duty” spinner (Service Kit No. SK-143-2) became available. The spinner re-design came about because of chronic cracking of the spinners and bulkheads of the original design. The AA-5 / -5A version of it, SK-143-1 was also introduced at the same time but does not share the problem with the Tigers because of one big difference in the propeller drive bushings of the O-320 engine vs. the O-360 A4K in all Tigers (save about 4 or 5 that have been converted to larger engines) and this will be discussed here.

First, the propeller drive bushings are the things pressed into the crankshaft flange that protrude through the starter ring gear support and are intended to penetrate into the counterbores of the propeller spacer (or prop hub if no spacer is installed) which is not the case here. Where most engines have the same length bushing in all 6 positions, the –A4K is different by having two of them much shorter and the other 4 are pretty short compared to the very similar engine in the Piper Archer, the –A4M. That model O-360 engine has about ¼” longer ones in all 6 holes. Remember that one of these bushings has an enlarged step or flange to index the ring gear support for timing the engine. In the case of the –A4K, in the Tiger, this happens to be one of the two extra short ones which kind of complicates the situation.

Now, what happens when the backplate of the spinner kit is installed, the longer 4 bushings barely protrude enough through it to penetrate into the counterbores of the spacer. The two short ones do not come through the support at all thus not engaging the backplate at all. It’s very easy for the backplate to slip off these slightly protruding bushings and rest on the propeller bolts. When the prop is forced onto the bushings by tightening the bolts, the edges of the bushings cut the holes out oblong in 4 of the 6 positions. Evidence of this is thin crescent shapes of aluminum shoved into the counterbores of the spacer. The maintenance manual (1983 revision) for the AA-5B tells you to tape the backplate to the nose cowl to hold it while you install the prop. Yeah, right, and probably rip off some paint when it is removed. There is no guaranteed this will prevent the following from happening, however, so I like to have one person firmly hold the aft bulkhead in place while another or two install the prop and snug up two bolts. This does take extra personnel and someone trying to install the prop solo is running a very good chance of doing serious, expensive damage. Please don’t attempt it!

To carry this on another step, should the installer not realize he has made a mistake and corrected it, and attempts to install the spinner he will find it doesn’t want to line up with all the 22 screw holes. Taking an awl and forcing the issue will probably egg out the holes and put stress on the bulkheads resulting in cracks. The spinner will wobble as the backplate will be moving in a concentric pattern and the point will bob up and down somewhat. There will also be a vibration result. If the prop is removed and the installation is corrected, it will be difficult to get all the holes exactly in the right place to perfectly align with the drive bushings. If you rotate the backplate 90 degrees (two sets of holes) counterclockwise (looking back across the engine) you can set the two holes that are not punched out over two of the longer bushings, and attain proper position. This will not allow the prop to be installed in the same position as it was, or as the maintenance manual describes, but is legal to do. I have seen it actually operate smoother in the alternate position on a few airplanes.

So if you have a Tiger, especially if you do not have a split nose cowl, discuss this potential problem with your mechanic BEFORE the propeller is removed for any reason. That back bulkhead costs nearly 500 bucks, if it is available when you need one. The front one is pushing $300 and they are currently on about a 6 month back order due to tooling problems. The TCB Composites STC’d alternative is about $500. One option is to install the -A4M’s longer drive bushings in place of the two shorter ones (approved on Air Mods N.W.’s Sensenich Propeller STC SA4387NM), which practically eliminates the chance for potential damage.

For consultation on this subject, feel free to contact me and I will discuss it and your particular situation directly.

Ken Blackman

July 13, 2017 Volume XIX


Here is a new spin on propellers.  We recently bought a new Sensenich Propeller from Fletchair that was stamped 61 but turned out to be a 60.  Sent it back and had it adjusted.

One of our members has an AA1B with a 160 HP engine and his engine shakes.  Even after dynamically balancing it still shook badly at certain RPMs.  Finally took it off the plane and send it to a prop shop.  It was in static balance (equal weight blade-to-blade), but the profile was off due to one blade having 3 coats of paint and the other several more, thus creating a different airfoil.  Propeller was stripped and overhauled and now is smooth as silk.

Finally when it comes to Dynamically balancing a prop, the ring gear has holes that are at 5.5 inches from the center.  SInce prop balancing assume weight at a one-foot radius, 5.5 inches is only 0.458333 of the way there.  So devide your test weight by this to get the real weight to add.  FYI.  Theory, 5.5/12 = 0.458333

YouTube Videos

Last month we had 259 videos, many added each night during the Wrench and Elbow Bending, and more during the National Gathering.  We now have (298)

Subscribers 23 this last month bringing total to 274

Views 5535 last 28 days with a total of 30, 446 views.

Watch time is 28,000 minutes for the last 28 days.

Tools for Sale

Here are the new sets of tools available.

Jack Pads – eBay search for Grumman Jack Pad, around 27 USD.

AA1C – $35

AMOC – $15

Track Sizing Tool -$65

Bearing Sizing Tool – $50

Aileron Bullet -$25


1152 Members 34 since last month


3rd Wrench and Elbow Bending

Friday started with canopy track and rail maintenance on Mark and Kelly Matthews 75 Tiger. Lunch was prepared and cooked by the girls in attendance. Videos were posted each night instead of Daily Coverage.

Saturday we saw a wet vacuum pump installed replacing the dry vacuum pump. Formation flying seminar was held and then a practice flight.

Sunday More formation flying and finishing up on the maintenance issues.

BBQ Hangar Party kicked off about 6 pm with live music from Nitro and Partner, Nitro was a former Cheetah Pilot and Owner 20 years ago.

4th National Gathering

Monday – Tour of Jungle Jim’s International Market

Tuesday – Afternoon Seminar by Mike K of ElectroAir Electronic Systems.

Pool Party, BBQ, and Ice Cream at Shop Monkey’s Place.

Wednesday – Banquet at Alcupolco’s. We saw some departures for weather today.


May 23, 2017 Volume XVIII


If you have visited the home page lately, you have seen we are over 1,100 members (1,101 at the time of writing this.)  Truly not bad for a group turning 3 this July.  Keep spreading the word.


No plane is perfect.  But we can devise a plan to get there from here.  Sit down with your mechanic and make a multi-year plan sop that every year you plane is better.  That way with a well maintained plane, when you are ready to fly, so is you bird!

Wrench & Elbow Bending

Just a bit over two weeks till this event kicks off.  Bring your friends and especially your mechanic to see the special love these birds need.  We cover a lot in just 2 and a half days, but we cannot place it in order after the first item, we just go with the flow.

We tend to end at 5 or so, have a beer and chat about the days with questions and answers.  Then we go out for dinner.

Lots to learn and see and this will probably be the last free such weekends.

National Gathering

Continuing the fun, the wrench and elbow weekend winds down with a late afternoon BBQ, live music and cold drinks.

We are leaving social time in the schedule for folks to meet and chat.  We also want to hear about how your year of flying has been.

GPA is Pet Friendly

We have a member from California who is making a minimum 1741 nm trip (one-way) with ‘Grumman’, his traveling canine.  We look forward to seeing Rich and Grumman again.


Garner Rice want me to convey to ya’ll that he is living the life of a ‘Gentleman Mower/Handyman’.  He gets up right after dawn, mows, haul away trash, etc., then head home to a shower to remove the dirt, has dinner and goes to bed.  Living the Dream.

Second Set of Rigging Tools

We now have the latest additions to the rigging tool set in house and are boxing them up now.  We had more of the bearing sizing tools made, aileron bullets, AMOC gauge for SI 61-01, a canopy track sizing tool, and the elevator rigging tool for the AA1C.  They will be available until gone, so be sure and see them at the Wrench Bending or National Gathering.  We will be posting prices on the web site shortly.


Probably one of the biggest bangs for the buck in our planes are the ElectroAir EIS 41000 electronic ignition systems replacing one mag.  These unit fire a 70,000 volt spark across a wider gap High Energy spark plug and advance the spark advance as the engine loads up.  Savings from 0.8 to 1.5 gph can be achieved along with easier starts (yes you can start on the EIS) and cleaner combustion.  You also develop a few more horsepower as well.

We have installed 10 of these units now in Cheetah and Tigers and so far, no one has asked for it to be removed.

Kaye Coates

Kaye Coates, wife of Geoffrey Coates, both of Austrialia and early Founders of the GPA.  Sadly I must tell you that Kaye lost her long battle with cancer on May 22, 2017.  She was a gracious lady with a wonderful view of life and flight.  She will be missed.  Our prayers and condolences to Geoffrey and the rest of the family, relative and extended.

Neil Walker

Neil Walker of Cincinnati, former GE engine designer, lost his battle with cancer quietly among family May 22, 2017.  Neil’s passion for flying machines rubbed off on his son, Martin, who owned a Grumman for a number of years and still has the passion.  Neil was a good friend and wonderful advisor.  He will be missed.  Our sympathies to the family.

Sensenich Propeller

We just had a second Sensenich propeller that was not twisted as marked.  The new prop was stamped 61, but after turning well over red line in flight at altitude, we had it checked and it was a perfect 60.  So it was repitched.  Bob Hodo had one a few years ago also mis-marked.

Tow Bar

We had a member that wanted to share a recent event while flying.  Basically, during preflight, he failed to remove the tow bar from the front fairing.

I lost my tow bar the other day and wanted to share what I learned.

   I’ve attached two pictures of the tow bar and found a tag on it from Redro Inc in Minn.  After I lost the tow bar I searched the runway immediately but did not find it. Today, I discovered the tow bar about 800 feet from the start of take-off roll on the left side of the runway.  Looking over the aircraft, the only evidence of damage was on the right side of the nosewheel pant where the towbar attaches.  If you look closely, you will see some damage on the aft right-side wheel pant hole that I suspect occurred when the tow bar separated after lift-off, but cannot confirm, since I bought my Tiger with numerous blemishes as can be seen from the condition of the nose-wheel pant.  I inspected the entire aircraft and found no damage to anything including the prop.  When I found the tow bar, the only damage was some scraping on the steel ring that I welded onto the tow bar.  The scrape was only found on the bottom of the ring and no propeller contact damage was found.


   When I taxied with the tow bar attached, I think the steel ring made it glide with no noticeable noise or control problems.  My suspicion is that on take-off the tow bar rotated downward about the axis of the wheel into a trailing position.  At that point, I think the cross-bar on the tow bar contacted the bottom of the wheel and spread the tow bar enough to detach.  Ken Blackman tells me that his tow bar will NOT come off.  Thankfully this one did or else I suspect I would have suffered far more damage on landing.


March 2017 XVI – National Gathering

March 2017 XVI

National Gathering June 2017

Hope everyone had a good Mardi Gras. Well we are just a few days over 3 months till we all meet at KHAO for the Wrench and Elbow Bending (June 9-11) followed immediately by the GPA National Gathering (June 11-15).

Here is information to get you started.


Friday and Saturday
June 9-10, 9am till 5pm Wrench and Elbow Bending on various topics.

Sunday June 11
9am till 3pm Wrench Bending
3pm – 5pm Social time and arrivals
5 pm – Till BBQ and social Mixer

Monday June 12
6am – 9am Morning Flights
9am – 11 am Tour – Jungle Jims International Market
Lunch on own
1pm – 5-pm Airplane Games (or seminars if wx bad)
Dinner on own

Tuesday June 13
6am – 9am Morning Flights
9am – 12 pm Seminars (or games in wx yesterday was bad)
Lunch on own
1pm – 5pm Discussion and Seminars
5pm – 7pm Dinner on own
7pm – 8pm Ice Cream
8pm – 11pm Hangar Party (Hangar flying, etc)

Wednesday June 14
9am – 12 pm Finish Reindeer airplane games
12pm – 2 pm Lunch on own
2pm – 6pm Free time to explore/social time
6pm – 9pm Banquet

Thursday June 15

Airplane Games (Events)

Spot Parking
Precision Taxi
Rigged Preflight
Rodeo Tiedown
Broken Towbar (Mens and Women)

We will have a First and Second place Trophy for each event

Other Awards
Most Recent Private Pilot
Most Recent Instrument
Most Recent Advanced Rating (Commercial, ATP)
Most Recent Mechanic
People’s Choice Award
Mechanics Award
Fire Awards

Holiday Inn Express Fairfield 3.4 miles
LaQuinta Inn Cincinnati North 4.8 miles
Mariott Courtyard Hamilton 4.7 miles

Discounts: Ask for the ‘Cincinnati Jet Center’ Discount

Rental Cars
Enterprise 513-737-4100 ($45/day)
Hertz 513-870-0745 (Need your Gold Number
Avis 513-860-2254 (Need Wizard Number)

If you are interested in presenting a seminar, please get in touch with us. We have a few planned that we know you will enjoy.

A new T-shirt design is in the works for the event and it will feature a pocket.

We have kept this short and sweet.

Be sure and Book your reservation for the event, we expect the total fee to be $50 for this event which will include the banquet, reception, and the hangar party.

Hope to see you in June, fly safe.

Your GPA

July 13, 2016 – Volume X

July 13, 2016 – Volume X

Bowling Green

We are just 1 week away from the National Gathering in Bowling Green, KY. Looking forward to seeing you there.


Tuesday, July 19th – Early Birds and formation guidelines, perfect for first timers to the art.

Wednesday, July 20th – Welcome Day and Reception 7pm (Airport – then to Hotel Bar)

Thursday, July 21st – Airport Activities and Hotel Activities
Airport – Seminars (9-12)
Hotel – Lunch (12-2)
Railpark Tour
Dinner on Own
Hotel – Pool Hangout 7pm – till

Friday, July 22nd – Airport Activities and Hotel Activities
Corvette Museum (9-12)
Lunch on Own
Airport – Seminars (2-6)
Dinner on own
Hotel – Pool/Bar Hangout/Membership Discussion 7pm – till

Saturday, July 23rd – Banquet
Airport – Maintenance, Airplane Looking, Discussions
Lunch on Own
Hotel – 2 pm meet for Mammoth Cave tour
Hotel – Bar 7
Dinner 8

Sunday, July 24th – Departure Day and Group Flight to Oshkosh

Group Flight Oshkosh

Interested members see Mark Matthews.

Early Morning Scenic Flights

Dawn Patrol photo flights. Want a really nice picture of your plane in flight? We’ll be getting interested parties together for the shoots in the am before the official day starts. Alternately, it is the perfect time during the quiet of the morning to see and look at planes.

Thursday Lunch – ‘A Taste of Italy

taste of Italy
•mixed garden greens with chef’s choice of dressing, including Italian
•marinated button mushroom salad
•pasta bar
pastas: penne,, or cheese tortellini pastas
sauces: alfredo, traditional marinara
• vegetable lasagna
•Italian green beans
•garlic bread
•assorted cheesecakes

Saturday Night Dinner – ‘A Taste of Kentucky

a taste of Kentucky
•tossed salad bar with dressings
•cole slaw & potato salad entrees
•fried cat fish fillets
•southern fried chicken, hot & crispy
•pulled pork barbecue accompaniments
•corn on the cob
•baked beans
•corn bread muffins
•watermelon slices (in season)
•warm fruit cobbler (year round)
•iced or sweet tea, lemonade & coffee service
• ice cream

Hope that whets your appetite.

Lou Evans – BFR Check outs

Lou Evans is a CFII who has volunteered his time at the Gathering if you need a BFR or other related flying needs. Please look Lou up or contact him via the website.

Final Prep

We’ve talked to the hotel and the FBO and Airport Staff. They know we are coming. Our FBO is CO-Mar Aviation (Unicom 123.0) and their phone is 270-781-9797. There is fuel available from the FBO and also a slight savings ($0.38) at the self-serve pump.

Rental Cars

If you have a rental car during the event, please let Luann know: 513-227-9074 for coordination.

Fun Games

There has been some talk of doing a few games. We think we have a few that you may like.

April 18, 2017 – Volume XVII

Hello GPA!

In the last 2 weeks we have had 55 new members join, let us hope that this trend of 2-4 people a day continues.

As an interesting fact, our 1055 members own more than half of all the Grumman registered in the United States!  Yes, that is right, some of our members own more than one Grumman.  The winner, who is shy, owns 11.  Now in truth they are all not flying, but still an impressive number.

Two Major Events Back-To-Back

These events are both at KHAO

We have in June two events that will flow seamlessly into each other bridging the way with a Hangar Party featuring a live singer.

The first event is the 'Midwest Wrench and Elbow Bending Weekend' the third of these events that we have held around the country.  

Here come the details:

June 11-13, 2017

This is a 3 day event which is intended to advance the delicate maintenance our aircraft require. As Ken will say, “This is about teaching how our planes need to be maintained, not free mechanical work!”  It is officially sponsored and hosted by Yankee Aviation, presenting interesting seminars as will a couple of other Grumman Savvy mechanics.  There will be hands on maintenance demos and plenty of opportunity for questions and answers during, and following, the sessions.

Rental Cars:
Enterprise 513-737-4100 ($45/day)
Hertz 513-870-0745 (Need your Gold Number)
Avis 513-860-2254 (Need Wizard Number)

What To Expect If Yours is a Demo Airplane
If your airplane is used for instruction purposes showing how to maintain or fix a problem, then you can expect to pay for any parts and material used in that process. The labor is donated by the gurus to educate others, and the hosting shop is donating the workspace and tools, so if you want to make a donation, make it to the hosting organization GPA.

There is plenty of aircraft parking on the ramp and there will be ample “on site” food prepared by Roscoe and other volunteers on Friday evening, Saturday lunch, and possibly Saturday evening so plan to “chip in” on the food (and beverage) runs made to local stores. (There will be a recommended amount announced.) We may have one meal at one of the nearby restaurants, possibly Saturday evening.

One of the lessons learned at the first Wrench and Elbow Bending Weekend was that any schedule is no good after the first plane. You find stuff not expected and so cover stuff out of schedule. So, like our planes, we will be winging it! We’ll try and get all the subject in in some order.

Subjects to be Covered

  • Engine overhauls and who to do it. Costs to expect and the pros & cons of choices
  • Sparkplugs, Cleaning, Testing, & Gaping. Type of plugs best for which engines
  • Tires, fairing mounts, modifying for access to air tires, cleanups available & benefits
  • Repairing plastic parts with DevCon Plastic Welder & screen material & alternatives
  • AD 79-22-04 & AMOC. SB 163A, SK-150 and the history of this AD and alternate
  • Split nose cowling STCs & Field Approvals. Power Point on doing the ADC STC.
  • Vertical split vs. horizontal. Deviating from the basic STC. How far off can you go.
  • R&R Canopy, clean & service tracks, explain changing seals, bumpers, lubrication
  • Removing seats. Checking security of brackets to spar. Inspecting seat mechanics.
  • Bleeding brakes. Inspecting and changing rudder springs & forward fuselage floor
  • Torque tube and Yoke Assembly inspection. Repaired and modified replacements
  • Rigging the Rudder. Checking clevis bolts and hardware for condition & replacing
  • Engine compartment, Baffles, Seals, Cowl Latches (condition & adjustment) all models. Fixing cracks and wear areas, prevention methods you should do.
  • Corrosion. What to look for, how to fix, and how to prevent it or stop in its tracks
  • Engine mount extrusions and corrosion, inspection and prevention
  • Nose gear, Fork adjustment, Axle tightness, Proper maintenance and fork bushings
  • Elevator & Trim Tab alignment, freefall test & proper maintenance & lubrication
  • Torque tubes, Supports & bearings. Changing bearings & shimming with tape.
  • Rigging, using fixtures, limits and fudging as much as is legal. Flap tricks for speed
  • A “Super Pre-Flight” inspection. Using spray silicone on canopy tracks and bearings

We will start about noon on Friday so folks can fly in. Saturday and Sunday we will meet at 9am and chat and look at planes before moving in for the next subject airplane.

Expenses to cover:
This event is sponsored by Roscoe & Yankee Aviation and Ken Blackman of Air Mods NW
and there is no charge for the seminars and demonstrations. The food and supplies, provided, are
paid supplied by the host and it is requested all make a donation to “the Kitty” to reimburse him. Use your own judgment but an amount of around $10 each for lunches and perhaps $5 for coffee
and muffins seems appropriate. The meal(s) at hotels and restaurants will be paid direct to them.

There are at least two good hotels near the airport which are:

Holiday Inn Express Fairfield 3.4 miles
LaQuinta Inn Cincinnati North 4.8 miles
Mariott Courtyard Hamilton 4.7 miles Ask for Cincinnati Jet Center Discount ($90 / night)

Information will be posted on The Grumman Gang as well as here on the GPA website. Plans are still being made and soon will be more formal so watch for updates. For now, just put these dates on your calendar and make whatever plans needed to attend. Please contact me with your RSVP as soon as possible at or call me at 513-519-7008 for questions on lodging and other things yet to be posted.

Now the ‘Wrench Bending’ ends about 2-3 pm, followed by a BBQ and hangar party that goes till?

The welcome reception for the National Gathering will begin with the social event of the Hangar Party and continue Monday through Wednesday.

Here are the details for that:

June 11-14, 2017

Scheduled immediately after the Midwest Wrench and Elbow Bending this National Gathering will be held early in the summer when the weather is very nice.  There has been some interest in a beginners Formation Flying Clinic.

The Hogan Brothers will be offering rides in their historic Waco for a fuel donation.  We are also trying to get a open 2-holer Waco for rides.  Stay Tuned!

Sunday June 11
3pm – 5pm Social time and arrivals
5 pm – Till BBQ and social Mixer, Cash Bar (Live Music – Easy Listening)

Monday June 12
6am – 9am Morning Flights, Photo Flights,
9am – 11 am Tour – Jungle Jim’s International Market
Lunch on own
1pm – 5-pm Airplane Games (or seminars if wx bad)
Dinner on own

Tuesday June 13
6am – 9am Morning Flights
9am – 12 pm Seminars (or games in wx yesterday was bad)
Lunch on own
1pm – 5pm Discussion and Seminars
5pm – 7pm Dinner on own
7pm – 8pm Ice Cream
8pm – 11pm Hangar Party (Live Music, Cash Bar, Hangar flying, etc)

Wednesday June 14
9am – 12 pm Finish Reindeer airplane games
12pm – 2 pm Lunch on own
2pm – 6pm Free time to explore/social time
6pm – 9pm Banquet

Thursday June 15

Airplane Games (Events)

Spot Parking
Precision Taxi
Rigged Preflight
Rodeo Tiedown
Broken Towbar (Mens and Women)

We will have a First and Second place Trophy for each event

Other Awards
Most Recent Private Pilot
Most Recent Instrument
Most Recent Advanced Rating (Commercial, ATP)
Most Recent Mechanic
People’s Choice Award
Mechanics Award
Fire Awards

Holiday Inn Express Fairfield 3.4 miles
LaQuinta Inn Cincinnati North 4.8 miles
Mariott Courtyard Hamilton 4.7 miles

Discounts: Ask for the ‘Cincinnati Jet Center’ Discount

Rental Cars
Enterprise 513-737-4100 ($45/day)
Hertz 513-870-0745 (Need your Gold Number
Avis 513-860-2254 (Need Wizard Number)

If you are interested in presenting a seminar, please get in touch with us. We have a few planned that we know you will enjoy.

A new T-shirt design is in the works for the event and it will feature a pocket.

We have kept this short and sweet.

Be sure and Book your reservation for the event, we expect the total fee to be $50 for this event which will include the banquet, reception, and the hangar party.

Hope to see you in June, fly safe.

Your GPA

Registering For The Events

You can register for either or both events by clicking on the event either in the Menu Pick ‘Gatherings’ or by selecting it from the upcoming Event widget on any page of the website.  We gave you three ways to get to it.  Also, all the info has been put into this email newsletter so you do have to go to the website to see all the details.

Registration for the National Gathering right now is $50 via the website.  After April 30, it will be raised to 75 since it will cause a scramble to prepare for the event coming.  So register early.  You can always pay at the door and we will work to make sure we have room and food for all who attend.

So, register TODAY, and we will see you in June!

You GPA.

‘Grumman Pilots’ YouTube Channel Videos

We have 226 videos now on the channel covering many aspects of our airplane.  If you have a request, just send it in and we will try and make that video.  Thanks!

April 18, 2017 – Volume XVII

Hello GPA!

In the last 2 weeks we have had 55 new members join, let us hope that this trend of 2-4 people a day continues.

As an interesting fact, our 1055 members own more than half of all the Grumman registered in the United States!  Yes, that is right, some of our members own more than one Grumman.  The winner, who is shy, owns 11.  Now in truth they are all not flying, but still an impressive number.

Two Major Events Back-To-Back

We have in June two events that will flow seamlessly into each other bridging the way with a Hangar Party featuring a live singer.

Both at KHAO, Hamilton, OH.

The first event is the 'Midwest Wrench and Elbow Bending Weekend' the third of these events that we have held around the country.  

Here come the details:

This is a 3 day event which is intended to advance the delicate maintenance our aircraft require. As Ken will say, “This is about teaching how our planes need to be maintained, not free mechanical work!”  It is officially sponsored and hosted by Yankee Aviation, presenting interesting seminars as will a couple of other Grumman Savvy mechanics.  There will be hands on maintenance demos and plenty of opportunity for questions and answers during, and following, the sessions.

Rental Cars:
Enterprise 513-737-4100 ($45/day)
Hertz 513-870-0745 (Need your Gold Number)
Avis 513-860-2254 (Need Wizard Number)

What To Expect If Yours is a Demo Airplane
If your airplane is used for instruction purposes showing how to maintain or fix a problem, then you can expect to pay for any parts and material used in that process. The labor is donated by the gurus to educate others, and the hosting shop is donating the workspace and tools, so if you want to make a donation, make it to the hosting organization GPA.

There is plenty of aircraft parking on the ramp and there will be ample “on site” food prepared by Roscoe and other volunteers on Friday evening, Saturday lunch, and possibly Saturday evening so plan to “chip in” on the food (and beverage) runs made to local stores. (There will be a recommended amount announced.) We may have one meal at one of the nearby restaurants, possibly Saturday evening.

One of the lessons learned at the first Wrench and Elbow Bending Weekend was that any schedule is no good after the first plane. You find stuff not expected and so cover stuff out of schedule. So, like our planes, we will be winging it! We’ll try and get all the subject in in some order.

Subjects to be Covered

  • Engine overhauls and who to do it. Costs to expect and the pros & cons of choices
  • Sparkplugs, Cleaning, Testing, & Gaping. Type of plugs best for which engines
  • Tires, fairing mounts, modifying for access to air tires, cleanups available & benefits
  • Repairing plastic parts with DevCon Plastic Welder & screen material & alternatives
  • AD 79-22-04 & AMOC. SB 163A, SK-150 and the history of this AD and alternate
  • Split nose cowling STCs & Field Approvals. Power Point on doing the ADC STC.
  • Vertical split vs. horizontal. Deviating from the basic STC. How far off can you go.
  • R&R Canopy, clean & service tracks, explain changing seals, bumpers, lubrication
  • Removing seats. Checking security of brackets to spar. Inspecting seat mechanics.
  • Bleeding brakes. Inspecting and changing rudder springs & forward fuselage floor
  • Torque tube and Yoke Assembly inspection. Repaired and modified replacements
  • Rigging the Rudder. Checking clevis bolts and hardware for condition & replacing
  • Engine compartment, Baffles, Seals, Cowl Latches (condition & adjustment) all models. Fixing cracks and wear areas, prevention methods you should do.
  • Corrosion. What to look for, how to fix, and how to prevent it or stop in its tracks
  • Engine mount extrusions and corrosion, inspection and prevention
  • Nose gear, Fork adjustment, Axle tightness, Proper maintenance and fork bushings
  • Elevator & Trim Tab alignment, freefall test & proper maintenance & lubrication
  • Torque tubes, Supports & bearings. Changing bearings & shimming with tape.
  • Rigging, using fixtures, limits and fudging as much as is legal. Flap tricks for speed
  • A “Super Pre-Flight” inspection. Using spray silicone on canopy tracks and bearings

We will start about noon on Friday so folks can fly in. Saturday and Sunday we will meet at 9am and chat and look at planes before moving in for the next subject airplane.

Expenses to cover:
This event is sponsored by Roscoe & Yankee Aviation and Ken Blackman of Air Mods NW
and there is no charge for the seminars and demonstrations. The food and supplies, provided, are
paid supplied by the host and it is requested all make a donation to “the Kitty” to reimburse him. Use your own judgment but an amount of around $10 each for lunches and perhaps $5 for coffee
and muffins seems appropriate. The meal(s) at hotels and restaurants will be paid direct to them.

There are at least two good hotels near the airport which are:

Holiday Inn Express Fairfield 3.4 miles
LaQuinta Inn Cincinnati North 4.8 miles
Mariott Courtyard Hamilton 4.7 miles Ask for Cincinnati Jet Center Discount ($90 / night)

Information will be posted on The Grumman Gang as well as here on the GPA website. Plans are still being made and soon will be more formal so watch for updates. For now, just put these dates on your calendar and make whatever plans needed to attend. Please contact me with your RSVP as soon as possible at or call me at 513-519-7008 for questions on lodging and other things yet to be posted.

Now the ‘Wrench Bending’ ends about 2-3 pm, followed by a BBQ and hangar party that goes till?

The welcome reception for the National Gathering will begin with the social event of the Hangar Party and continue Monday through Wednesday.

Here are the details for that:

Scheduled immediately after the Midwest Wrench and Elbow Bending this National Gathering will be held early in the summer when the weather is very nice.  There has been some interest in a beginners Formation Flying Clinic.

The Hogan Brothers will be offering rides in their historic Waco for a fuel donation.  We are also trying to get a open 2-holer Waco for rides.  Stay Tuned!

Sunday June 11
3pm – 5pm Social time and arrivals
5 pm – Till BBQ and social Mixer, Cash Bar (Live Music – Easy Listening)

Monday June 12
6am – 9am Morning Flights, Photo Flights,
9am – 11 am Tour – Jungle Jim’s International Market
Lunch on own
1pm – 5-pm Airplane Games (or seminars if wx bad)
Dinner on own

Tuesday June 13
6am – 9am Morning Flights
9am – 12 pm Seminars (or games in wx yesterday was bad)
Lunch on own
1pm – 5pm Discussion and Seminars
5pm – 7pm Dinner on own
7pm – 8pm Ice Cream
8pm – 11pm Hangar Party (Live Music, Cash Bar, Hangar flying, etc)

Wednesday June 14
9am – 12 pm Finish Reindeer airplane games
12pm – 2 pm Lunch on own
2pm – 6pm Free time to explore/social time
6pm – 9pm Banquet

Thursday June 15

Airplane Games (Events)

Spot Parking
Precision Taxi
Rigged Preflight
Rodeo Tiedown
Broken Towbar (Mens and Women)

We will have a First and Second place Trophy for each event

Other Awards
Most Recent Private Pilot
Most Recent Instrument
Most Recent Advanced Rating (Commercial, ATP)
Most Recent Mechanic
People’s Choice Award
Mechanics Award
Fire Awards

Holiday Inn Express Fairfield 3.4 miles
LaQuinta Inn Cincinnati North 4.8 miles
Mariott Courtyard Hamilton 4.7 miles

Discounts: Ask for the ‘Cincinnati Jet Center’ Discount

Rental Cars
Enterprise 513-737-4100 ($45/day)
Hertz 513-870-0745 (Need your Gold Number
Avis 513-860-2254 (Need Wizard Number)

If you are interested in presenting a seminar, please get in touch with us. We have a few planned that we know you will enjoy.

A new T-shirt design is in the works for the event and it will feature a pocket.

We have kept this short and sweet.

Be sure and Book your reservation for the event, we expect the total fee to be $50 for this event which will include the banquet, reception, and the hangar party.

Hope to see you in June, fly safe.

Your GPA

Registering For The Events

You can register for either or both events by clicking on the event either in the Menu Pick ‘Gatherings’ or by selecting it from the upcoming Event widget on any page of the website.  We gave you three ways to get to it.  Also, all the info has been put into this email newsletter so you do have to go to the website to see all the details.

Registration for the National Gathering right now is $50 via the website.  After April 30, it will be raised to 75 since it will cause a scramble to prepare for the event coming.  So register early.  You can always pay at the door and we will work to make sure we have room and food for all who attend.

So, register TODAY, and we will see you in June!

You GPA.

‘Grumman Pilots’ YouTube Channel Videos

We have 226 videos now on the channel covering many aspects of our airplane.  If you have a request, just send it in and we will try and make that video.  Thanks!