September 20, 2017, Volume XXI

Well fall will be upon us tomorrow, here is a bit of news to help you pass the time until then.


To help with finding videos we have added a complete video list that will be maintained to the website as an option under “Channel” option. i.e. Channel-> YouTube Video List

347 videos now in the collection.
Subscribers 31 this last month bringing total to 338
Views 7,102 last 28 days with a total of 47,557 views.
Watch time 38,222 minutes for the last 28 days.

New Video Formats

There are a couple of new types of videos that we have tried. One uses the Savvy maintenance data display to show engine-operating levels such as CHT, Fuel Flow, and RPM. In other videos we use still and text panels to carry the message.

Keep the suggestions coming.

New Grumman Shop

There is a new Grumman shop on the east coast, “Mid Atlantic Yankee Aviation” located at Eagle’s Nest (31E) run by Jimmy Candeletti.


1212 Members as of this newsletter.

One member has sold his Tiger so we lost one, but we got another the same day.

Forum Posts

<div class="wpmlposts"> <div class="wpmlpost"> <h3>Starter Issues</h3> <p><small>Posted on August 24, 2017 by Pat</small></p> <div class="wpmlpost_content">

We have been experiencing a starting problem since the middle of the summer. Pushing the start button we hear the new starter relay (changed out yesterday) engage with a good snap but the starter doesn't engage with the fly wheel. The only sound when pressing the start button is the relay snap. Is my next…

</div> </div> <hr style="visibility:hidden; clear:both;" /> </div> <div class="wpmlposts"> <div class="wpmlpost"> <h3>Is this ok?</h3> <p><small>Posted on August 25, 2017 by Ray Seligman</small></p> <div class="wpmlpost_content"> Is this ok?

I have found a Grumman tiger that I have fallen in love with. It has about 590 hours SMOH age. I was there when they run a compression check and they were all at about 77. Then they cut open the oil filter and they found this. I am being told this is completely normal.…

</div> </div> <hr style="visibility:hidden; clear:both;" /> </div> <div class="wpmlposts"> <div class="wpmlpost"> <h3>Fuel Sump Rust?</h3> <p><small>Posted on June 30, 2017 by Peter B</small></p> <div class="wpmlpost_content"> Fuel Sump Rust?

Can anyone shed some light on to what is causing this rust? I appreciate it! (see pic attached)

</div> </div> <hr style="visibility:hidden; clear:both;" /> </div>

Events and Gatherings

Red Steward – Rained out

Eclipse – Awesome

Independence – Good turnout

Treo Autopilot STC

For those interested in one of the new autopilots, if we can get 30 Grumman owners to commit, we can each save $1,000.00 off of the Autopilot STC Price. That would be $7,000 for each of us. Contact Gwena Odum, (805) 624-1516 to put your name on the list. They are asking for a $2,000 deposit and hope to have this all done by April. Give them a call, as they need 25 folks to push our planes ahead in the line of airframes.

Cheap Planes

First rule of aircraft buying, always buy the best plane you can afford.

Case in point, one member bought a derelict plane that had sat for 20 years and he thought he was getting a good deal at buying it for $10,000.  First thing he did was put a new Lycoming engine on the plane which set him back $42,000 for the engine and the labor.  His old engine was not a worthy core.

So with faded and peeling original paint, corrosion on the surface skin, broken plastic, original worn interior and carpets and no avionics he had over $55,000 in a plane he could have sold for mid to low-thirties.

So buy the best plane you can afford and get a good pre-purchase from someone who know Grummans.

Magazine Articles

We have 42 articles from 1967 to August of 2017 talking about our line of aircraft. They can be found under INFO -> MAGAZINE ARTICLES.

Across the USA

Neal Coyle (one of our very early members) is relocating from South Carolina to Medford, OR and is taking 2 weeks to zig-zag across the US at 2500 MSL and see the sights. Look for him and N430BS at an airport near you.


With all the talk of AI (artificial intelligence) and self driving cars these days, I would like to that Gene T for reminding me of a computer joke from the 1960’s.

Folks are on an airliners and the cabin system comes on and announces that the plane will under computer control for the entire flight and there fore much safer than in human hands. The computer voice let folks know of the route, cruising altitude and finally let them know how safe they will be during the flight. As a final bit of encouragement the computer says, “Nothing can go wrong, Nothing can go wrong, Nothing can go wrong, Nothing can go wrong. . .”

Compression Test

Airplane was recently in for annual when one cylinder was at 52 when all the others were at 76. The cylinder was leaking past the intake. Owner was a bit concerned but the intake in not a critical area like the exhaust. So the plane was pulled out and run for a few minutes at fairly high power and then shutdown. Reading after that was 75.