July 13, 2017 Volume XIX


Here is a new spin on propellers.  We recently bought a new Sensenich Propeller from Fletchair that was stamped 61 but turned out to be a 60.  Sent it back and had it adjusted.

One of our members has an AA1B with a 160 HP engine and his engine shakes.  Even after dynamically balancing it still shook badly at certain RPMs.  Finally took it off the plane and send it to a prop shop.  It was in static balance (equal weight blade-to-blade), but the profile was off due to one blade having 3 coats of paint and the other several more, thus creating a different airfoil.  Propeller was stripped and overhauled and now is smooth as silk.

Finally when it comes to Dynamically balancing a prop, the ring gear has holes that are at 5.5 inches from the center.  SInce prop balancing assume weight at a one-foot radius, 5.5 inches is only 0.458333 of the way there.  So devide your test weight by this to get the real weight to add.  FYI.  Theory, 5.5/12 = 0.458333

YouTube Videos

Last month we had 259 videos, many added each night during the Wrench and Elbow Bending, and more during the National Gathering.  We now have (298)

Subscribers 23 this last month bringing total to 274

Views 5535 last 28 days with a total of 30, 446 views.

Watch time is 28,000 minutes for the last 28 days.

Tools for Sale

Here are the new sets of tools available.

Jack Pads – eBay search for Grumman Jack Pad, around 27 USD.

AA1C – $35

AMOC – $15

Track Sizing Tool -$65

Bearing Sizing Tool – $50

Aileron Bullet -$25


1152 Members 34 since last month


3rd Wrench and Elbow Bending

Friday started with canopy track and rail maintenance on Mark and Kelly Matthews 75 Tiger. Lunch was prepared and cooked by the girls in attendance. Videos were posted each night instead of Daily Coverage.

Saturday we saw a wet vacuum pump installed replacing the dry vacuum pump. Formation flying seminar was held and then a practice flight.

Sunday More formation flying and finishing up on the maintenance issues.

BBQ Hangar Party kicked off about 6 pm with live music from Nitro and Partner, Nitro was a former Cheetah Pilot and Owner 20 years ago.

4th National Gathering

Monday – Tour of Jungle Jim’s International Market

Tuesday – Afternoon Seminar by Mike K of ElectroAir Electronic Systems.

Pool Party, BBQ, and Ice Cream at Shop Monkey’s Place.

Wednesday – Banquet at Alcupolco’s. We saw some departures for weather today.


About Jeff Johnson

I live and work in Huddleston VA selling dressage horses with wife Susan Cooper. impulsionunlimited.comSue loves the flexibility that we get with our tiger and is pushing to me to complete my commercial rating. Our children are 2 Bull Mastiffs and a Boston Terrier.My other business is consulting on sales processes and sales performance, pipeline management, and sales forecasting.