AA1 Autopilot

Home Forums Ask the Gurus AA1 Autopilot


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    • #8645
      Peter Priest

      I’m pretty happy with my 1970 AA1. 150 hp, additional fuel (32gals), Dynon D10A EFIS, Garmin 430W, etc… pretty well equipped, and spiffy new paint. But no autopilot!

      So, I’ve been searching, and understand there are two STCs for a roll axis AP. One from Brittain, and one for the Century 1.

      The Brittain is out, as I don’t want a vacuum pump at all. Century 1 wants $2500 just for the STC paperwork, after I’ve found all of the necessary parts- and they want the serial numbers before they will move forward.

      So… is this the reality? No autopilot really limits my enthusiasm for longer flights-with the probability for some weather. (I wouldn’t fly in serious IMC – icing, etc.) I’d just love to get a bit more utility from this airplane… and would prefer to keep it, rather than find another airplane.

      Any thoughts, experts?

    • #8651

      I’m in exactly the same situation, Peter, with my ’77 Lynx. Wonder if anyone can throw some light on this?

      Regards – Alan

    • #8654
      Peter Priest


      The Dynon D10A EFIS was recently approved for our airplanes, and I installed one. It takes the place of the attitude indicator, but is capable of far more, including a built-in autopilot. Only a servo (or two for two-axis) is required- no other equipment needed. But it’s against the FARs at the moment.

      I thought the new FAA Non Required Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) policy would fast-track some autopilot for us, but I think there isn’t that much demand by AA1 owners. I’ve posted to a number of forums, registered my request with most of the autopilot manufacturers, etc. but there’s been no traction. I’m not surprised. But you might do the same. If enough of us chime in…


    • #8655

      Thanks Peter, I’ll take a look at the D10A for sure. I’ve only just acquired my AA-1C and am really stoked with it. It performs well and is cheap to own and run. I too have the extended range tanks and a Sparrowhawk 125HP conversion. Like you though, the only glaring omission is an autopilot. I have scoured the ‘net for some time but have had less success than you. However, based on your info, I’ll make some submissions and enquiries of my own.



    • #8658

      My Opinion. The Century 1 isn’t worth even the cost of the STC paperwork. Perhaps there’s a problem with mine, but the thing rocks you around like a baby in a cradle. While engaged, it essentially does small S-turns around the heading and makes me feel like I’m being rocked to sleep. I eventually just give up and hand-fly. Again, perhaps a glitch in the system. But I have a feeling it’s just a 40-year old Autopilot.

    • #8660
      Tim Hornyak

      On the back of the turn/bank for Century 1 there is a bias adjust knob. Exercise the AP a few times on the ground w full left & right turns stop to stop and then center the controls. Wait and see how long it takes for the controls to start moving and turn the bias adjust a little either way to stop the movement. Lather , rinse and repeat until there isn’t any movement in the controls. After messing w it for about 30 mins mine is rock solid. Also, I was told by a well experienced avionics guy to run it stop to stop a few times on the ground every time you fly. Not sure if this will help but it “fixed” mine.
      I’m not a guru, Tim

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Tim Hornyak.
      • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Tim Hornyak.
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