One observation, one question

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    • #7817
      Ray Seligman

      One observation, one question. Not really sure which category to put this in but I decided to get one of those small electric heaters for under the Cowl of my tiger and I wanted some type of insulation for the top. Heater seems to work great and after doing a lot of searching I finally came up with the idea of using a water heater blanket. Probably not the first to think of this but it works really well. And inexpensive

      And now for the question. I noticed that in the POH it doesn’t describe take off with 10° your flaps anywhere that I can see. This weekend I will be flying out of a well manicured grass strip but I won’t have an opportunity to do my own experimentation. Has anyone actually compared take off distances within without flaps in a Tiger? Every other plane I’ve ever flown talks about short field takeoff using flaps. While it is not in the POH I’m always anxious to hear the thoughts of experienced tiger pilots. Thanks for any information you can provide.

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    • #7820
      Ray Seligman


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    • #7822

      It’s not a Tiger however my POH for the 77 T-Cat states for short or soft field take-offs “use flaps as necessary”. I have been using approx. 15 degrees on take-offs and found it not only shortened the roll but made for a smoother departure.

    • #7823
      Roscoe Rosché

      Ah the dreaded flap about flaps. The Pilot Handbook doesn’t talk about this cause it was never tested. That said, you will find that at about 40 mph, putting the flaps down 1/3 will cause you to leap into the air.

      Just put your hand on the flap switch and then hold down for a 3 count when you get to 40. Done.



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