New to the group- Looking into a AA1C

Home Forums Ask the Gurus New to the group- Looking into a AA1C

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    • #7067


      My name is Chuck. I currently fly the 777 for AA and I have been diving back into general aviation for the last 5 years. I have a son that is very interested in flying (he is 15 and working towards a glider solo) and I would like to have a dual purpose aircraft for his time building and for the wife and I to go on relatively short trips within 200 miles at 120-130 kts.

      My budget is around $25K, so naturally the 150hp AA1B or C is on the radar.

      I am a first time buyer and decided on a Grumman AA1 as my first aircraft. The decision was not easy. I have a great amount of respect for Cessna’s durability and reliability (since I grew up in them) but the need for an aircraft that flies 130kts at the 25K price point is a strong factor for me.

      I hear a lot about how the Grumman is not as forgiving in the stall/spin/behind the curve regime..especially the early Yankee’s and seems to have less than durable qualities compared to the Cessna with hard landings. I think any aircraft should be treated with respect and flown by the numbers, but stuff can and does happen. I am a little concerned about my son time building in something that might be a bit much for him.

      Any thoughts?

      Also, I am also looking into this particular AA1C on Barnstormers… 1977 T-Cat for $27999.

      Looks nice but the apparent auto gas use concerns me.

      Thank you for inviting me in!


      • This topic was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by CHUCK.
      • This topic was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by CHUCK. Reason: grammar
    • #7074
      Roscoe Rosché

      Call Ken Blackman at AirModsNW, he has a AA1C that is for sale.



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