April 7, 2017 – Volume XVI


You may have noticed that we are over 1,000 members now.  That is quite the feat considering that we are not yet 3 years old!

About half of the new members we get are mentioning that they found us from our YouTube videos.

YouTube Videos

We now have 215 videos of various types.  If you have not seen them yet you can find them on YouTube under our channel name Grumman Pilots‘.  Yes, it just that simple.  Happy watching.

National Gather June, 2017

This is just 2 months away and we have fleshed out the calendar fairly well on the events page.  We are planning two hangar parties so you can relax, chat with old and new friends and listen to the easy listening live singers.

We have also added games and flying activities this year so be prepared to have fun.  There is also a planned half day Formation clinic on the basics followed by 2-ship practice for beginners.  Stay tuned for more details.

Make you plans to attend, the wrench and elbow bending will flow right into the social events so plan on making both.

Be sure and register for the event on the event page so we can have a good headcount for food, etc.

See you in June!

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