September 6, 2016 Volume XII

Lou Evans – Fire Award

The first order of business in this newsletter is to let you know that last month, I left Lou Evans off the Fire Award list.  My apologies to Lou and my congratulations.  Lou is a great asset to the GPA.  Here is just one of the reasons why.

Traveler Tips: Volume 1
by Lou Evans

Greetings and Salutations,

My name is Lou Evans and like many of you, I am a proud Grumman aircraft owner and enthusiast who is very excited to be a part of our growing Grumman Pilots Association (GPA) Family.

Recently, Roscoe Rosche’ asked me if I would be willing to step up and serve our club as a conduit of support IRT the aspect of flying our Grumman aircraft, and I have agreed to do so.

It is our collective intent that while serving in this new capacity, I am able to share with you some helpful tips and techniques as to best operate our type airplanes.

This regular column, will be one of the tools I will use to share with you my experiences and insight, as well as a means for you to share your lessons learned, as it relates to an upcoming topic about our airplanes. Specifically speaking, this column will be where I can give you my practices and insight on a range of operational topics, as well as to include select submissions by you, the reader, as to your supporting experiences and lessons learned.

As background data, I have been flying for 42 years that includes 21 years of service as a U.S. Navy P-3C/C-130 Aircraft Commander/Instructor Pilot, 34 years as a CFI, and at present eight years as an active B-737 airline pilot.

I am also, a 16-year owner/operator of a 1977 Grumman American AA-1C “T-Cat” and recently, my wife Dena, my daughter Brittany and I, recently added a 1975 AA-5 Traveler, to our Grumman home. Hence, the “Traveler” name for this column.

It is mainly from my Grumman experiences, that I want to humbly draw from IRT helping you operate our brand of airplanes. I personally, am a better owner and pilot, largely from the tips and techniques others have kindly shared with me. My intent here, is to now “pay it forward.”

Indeed, there are many distinct characteristics and operational considerations about our planes that warrant emphasizing, from both safety and economy standpoints. Thus, it is my hope that this column will be one of both interest and enlightenment to you, as you enjoy our wonderful brand of aircraft…Grumman.

Thank you, for allowing me the honor to do this for you.

I may be reached at

Yours, In Grumman Flight,

— Lou

NEXT GPA NEWSLETTER TOPIC: “Flying the Traffic Pattern”