May 2016 Volume VII

Midwest Wrench and Elbow Bending – Just TWO WEEKS Away
Take the bracket loose
The event page at:
is being updated daily with the latest information. On that page at the bottom you can book any spaces you need, there is no fee. Donations at the event. One member just posted a comment about a cheaper rate just off the airport. We are waiting now for the tiedown fees and procedures from the FBO.

We have about 20 folks already coming and it should be a good one. Stay Tuned!

National Gathering – Just TWO MONTHS Away
Hotel Airport Overview
In just 2 months we will be gathering in Bowling Green, Kentucky for the Third National Gathering. The event details are at: As with any event to book into the event go to the Booking section. This gives us a head count for planning. To keep all money transactions secure, we are selling the tickets and admission tickets for the tours in the Store under the Shop tab.

Our block of rooms will expire June 20, so make your reservations at the hotel by then.  So with a room, a ‘Booking’ and ‘Tickets to Ride’, we’ll see ya’ll in Bowling Green in July.

Technical Director
In an ideal world your would have the best person in every spot, but we do not live in that world. It became evident recently that with the new focus of the GPA we would be needing a volunteer. We really needed the ‘best’ man in this slot, so my ‘best man’, literally, was the guy. The GPA is pleased to announce that Ken Blackman has accepted the role of ‘Technical Director‘. I do not know of a more knowledgeable guru. Ken has probably forgotten more about this line of planes than I will ever know. Let me quote Ken, “If I do not learn something new about these planes everyday, then I probably did not go to the shop!”

Membership List – Online and Secure
We now have a custom member ship page, it is under ‘About‘, and called ‘GPA Lovers‘. You can search by name right now but we are adding search within a radius of a zipcode (and in the future an airport) top help members find members in their area.

In the future we are going to offer a service so that members can locate members away from home that provide a service.

Jump In Membership – 2 Weeks
We got over a 10% increase in membership in 2 weeks by an accident. As part of securing the membership list to just members, we accidental locked all pages unless logged in. Totally, my bad. But look at the result! Last month we were at 603 and now 668.

Finally Out Of Annual (Turned-Restoration)