Technical Director Ken ‘Guru’ Blackman

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    • #4654
      Roscoe Rosché

      In an ideal world your would have the best person in every spot, but we do not live in that world. It became evident recently that with the new focus of the GPA we would be needing a volunteer.  We really needed the ‘best’ man in this slot, so my ‘best man’, literally, was the guy. The GPA is pleased to announce that Ken Blackman has accepted the role of ‘Technical Director‘.

      New ‘Guru’ Lite

      I do not know of a more knowledgeable guru. Ken has probably forgotten more about this line of planes than I will ever know. Let me quote Ken, “If I do not learn something new about these planes everyday, then I probably did not go to the shop!”

      Here are two pictures of the guru from over the years, with Dicey Miller, 1993, and from 1980.Ken and Dicey 1993 Leaders

    • #4939
      Tracy Norris

      Congratulations Ken!

    • #7731

      Hello Mr. Blackman! I am just finishing up my PPL Training and anticipate getting my “Ticket” next month. I have been religiously watching the GPA You Tube Videos for a while now and very excited about purchasing a Tiger or Cheetah, in the early to mid part of 2018.
      With the Missions I anticipate, the Tiger is an ideal choice. While most of my flying will be in Texas, I will be visiting friends and family all over the country.
      My question is: If I was to purchase a Cheetah, once the engine is in need of an overhaul, would the upgrade to a O360 be a relatively easy swap or are there major modifications needed to the Airframe/Cowling, etc?
      Also, as the “Guru”, can/will you perform “pre-buy” inspections? If so, how far are you willing to go from your homebase to perform the inspection? If not, is there a network of Grumman knowledgable A&P’s that I can access?
      Finally, do you know of someone in Central Texas that can provide transition training?

      Thank you in advance for any and all information you can provide!

      P.S. I attached a photo of a Patch I found in a box my fathers patches he gathered in a 30 year career as a Naval Aviator. There are a couple dozen all together. Looking forward to putting this one on something to commemorate the purchase of my first Aircraft!!

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