Cherokees to Oshkosh

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    • #13160
      Ron Mowery

      New year and already thinking about Oshkosh. For the last 2 yrs I have participated in the Cherokee mass arrival to Oshkosh in my Grumman. The first year I was one of two and last year I was one of five. Had a total of 39 aircraft. This year it is the 60th anniversary of the Cherokee and we have been once again invited to fly along with them. This is by far the safer way to fly into Oshkosh and much more fun. No previous formation flying experience is necessary. This is more a gaggle then a formation. No flying 3 feet off someones wing. They do several mini clinics around the county and also do group training in Waupaca Wisconsin starting Thursday before Oshkosh. For more information go to I am having the first mini clinic of the year in Aiken SC the last weekend of February. If you have any questions feel free to contact me or any of the contacts on there web site.

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