February 14, 2019 Volume XXXII

Traveler Tips


January 2019

Greetings and Happy New Year, “Grummanistas!” I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday season and I trust Santa brought all of the aviation-related “toys” that you asked for. For some of you, that would include an ADS-B Out solution for your aircraft given the looming FAA mandated deadline of January 1st, 2020.

Of course, this mandate does not apply to everyone. That is because this mandate, is an essence, an airspace ruling, and as such, is based on the airspace/ATC needs of the individual/aircraft involved. In other words, if you do not have a need to fly within the ADS-B Out required airspace as defined in 14 CFR 91.225, then you do not need to install this equipment in your aircraft.

If you are not sure what your ADS-B out aircraft requirements are, or will be, or you simply want more information about this aspect of the FAA’s NEXTGEN (Next Generation) program, be sure to go to the FAA’s website —www.faa.gov, and review the information provided therein.

My advice is, if this ruling applies to you kind of flying, and it will for most of us, then do this as soon as practical. This is because you will want to purchase a suitable ADS-B Out solution and have it installed by your avionics shop before the anticipated year’s-end mad rush to comply. Don’t forget that a flight test of the equipment to the FAA’s satisfaction, is also involved. Also, now’s a good time to reserve the FAA’s currently available $500 rebate before it is gone. That is because it is a limited number offer.

All this said, I would like to shift my emphasis for this month’s column to some personal notes. Namely, a note of gratitude, hope and encouragement to our association’s founder, president and heartbeat — Roscoe Roscoe, and his amazing wife, Luann.

As we all know, this past year has been one of immense trial and uncertainty for them both. Yet, through it all, they not only survived — they thrived and shone through it all — to the point of setting a great example on how to face long odds, true adversity, and yet —win. No doubt, the Grumman community at large is much better and friendlier with Roscoe and Luann amongst us.

Also, a tip of the hat to all of you who gave of your time, energy and resources to help Roscoe and Luann during this time of trial. Granted, their is not over. There are simply too many of you to name here, but I would like to offer at a minimum, special kudos to Jimmy and Mary Jo Candeletti, as well as Matt and Lynn Wing for their ongoing assistance to Roscoe and Luann.

I would also like to echo what so many of us have expressed in regards to the not-so-distant loss of our great Grumman guru and patriarch, Ken Blackman. Ken, was a tremendous friend and Grumman advocate and his expertise and support will be forever missed. Anytime I fly either of my two Grumman aircraft, I feel like Ken’s spirit goes up with me. That is because so much of how my plane has been maintained and exists because of quality tips and material provided by Ken.

The related good news is that Roscoe has purchased and coordinated the transfer of all of Ken’s Grumman equipment and parts, to Roscoe’s workshop as I write this. In turn, we, as a community will continue to have access to the parts and spares we need to keep our Grumman fleet flying.

Thank you, Roscoe, and may I say by all of us who love and fly Grumman airplanes — “Welcome back!”

About Jeff Johnson

I live and work in Huddleston VA selling dressage horses with wife Susan Cooper. impulsionunlimited.comSue loves the flexibility that we get with our tiger and is pushing to me to complete my commercial rating. Our children are 2 Bull Mastiffs and a Boston Terrier.My other business is consulting on sales processes and sales performance, pipeline management, and sales forecasting.