Can I swing the engine on the mounts?

Home Forums Maintenance of Grummans Engine Can I swing the engine on the mounts?

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    • #12098
      Geoffrey Marr

      Hi all,

      Regarding an AA1A with an O-235-C2C:
      I’m wondering if it’s safe for the airframe to remove the two bolts on one side of the engine mounts and swing the engine to the side on the other two engine mounts/bolts? In this video [0], the presenter says you can do this, but I’m wondering if I need to support the engine from above with an engine hoist, or if the two engine mounts that are acting as the pivot points are strong enough to support the full weight of the engine.


      Thanks in advance.

    • #12099
      Roscoe Rosché

      Support on the top hook will keep the strain off the extrusion mounts made into the fuselage.



    • #12103
      Richard Harrison

      Yes, Roscoe used an engine hoist to support the engine. With the 0-320 engine on my AA-1B, I need to do this if I need to remove a mag, clearance to the firewall is too tight. I support the engine with a host, then pull the bolts on one side. (As Roscoe pointed out, don’t forget the tail stand!). You can then swing the engine out to get better access behind to do things like pull a mag in my case.
      Roscoe can confirm, but I don’t recall the mag clearance issue with the 0-235, but it might make the operation easier.

    • #12106
      Roscoe Rosché

      The O-235 allows you to change the mags without swinging the engine. The same cannot be said for the 0-320.

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