October 26, 2018, Volume XXX


1,884 members as of today.

Welcome to all our new members.

GPA in the black.

Like most Grumman folks, your GPA is also frugal. We make money on our YouTube video views, parts in the company store, and donations. We have had members advance rigging tools orders, and then the parts are sold and the money goes back.

Forum Post – Spar Corrosion

<div class="wpmlposts"> <div class="wpmlpost"> <h3>Spar Corrosion - Wing Root Area</h3> <p><small>Posted on October 10, 2018 by Jeff Johnson</small></p> <div class="wpmlpost_content"> Spar Corrosion - Wing Root Area

When dirt and moisture sit on top of you spar in the wing root, it will form corrosion.  It can be of two types, a light pitting or blisters that stand out and are deeper than they are tall. The general run for pitting is that if any one pit after cleaning out all the…

</div> </div> <hr style="visibility:hidden; clear:both;" /> </div>

You can read the forum or watch the video. Thanks to John Cotter and Jimmy for the spar pictures.

Grumman Pilot’s Video   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thgxVW9R5Sk

Activity Stream

Is a great day-to-day blog on the GPA. You can see new members and other posts.

Service Calls and Requests

We also field a lot of call about information, manuals, etc, we are happy to help.

Cawley Aviation

Rudder Balancing was missing from the owners Maintenance manual. So we had them download our searchable pdf and get the missing 209 pages.

Contributed Video by Alex

Alex provided the raw video and we were able to make it into a video. Thanks Alex.

New Event this May

This event was suggested by Lou Evans and it is a great idea. Like the Wrench and Elbow bending, this weekend event will be heavy in social time and the BBQ will be running.

May 24-26, 2019 KHAO Event – Lots of social time

Twin Comanche trade for a Tiger.

We have a member out west who wants to go back to a Tiger. He is hoping a Tiger owner that is looking to upgrade might be interested in a trade.

DOM – ADSB Mandate Looming

Well they devoted a whole issue to it, so we are getting down to our last year.

Cabin Pressure

Great British humor from the BBC audio show MJN Air. These are great audio episodes and they make me laugh. Thanks Mark!

Server Move

Well we are all moved to the new servers, DNS set, and layout optimized. Thanks go to Jeff for finding us this bargain price per year for hosting. We saved more than 75% per year!

Manuals move and new Layout

As part of the server move, we could change max file upload size and we were able to get the bigger ones from Yankee Aviation website, so all our manuals are on this page with a new layout.     grummanpilotsassociation.com/info/manuals/

These are pdf’s that are searchable (via word or expression i.e. rudder will return you in the left pane every page that has rudder on it.

PowerFlow vs. Electronic Ignition

This two options cost about the same. They both increase engine performance and let us look at what this costs us.

Powerflow works by creating a vacuum on each cylinders as it begins to exhaust, so this help the engine breathe better. You will use about a gallon an hour more than a normal exhaust system, but you also get 4 – 7 % more power. Since the hot burning fuel is pulled out of the cylinder at supersonic speed a lot of heat is transferred to the valve guide, valve, and valve seat causing it to wear about twice the normal rate. For those who need this extra power they tend to replace their cylinders between 800 and 1000 hours with new.

ElectroAir Electronic Ignitions generate a 70,000-volt spark and deliver 10 – 14% more power due to the huge ignition spark and the timing advance. Makes the engine very smooth from idle all the way up. You can expect to save about a gallon an hour with the EIS for an O-320 and 2 gallons an hours for a six cylinders.

My recommendation is go with the EIS first, it is well worth it.

Seat belt Rewebbing – ASP

Aviation Safety Products

41 Easterling Rd · Blairsville, GA. 30512
Phone: 800.480.4816 · Fax: 706.835.2424 · info@aircraftseatbelts.com

If your tags come off your seat belts, they need to be inspected and rewebbed. Aviation Safety Products can do all of this for you with a fast turnaround.

Cylinder Baffles for Traveller

Gary Vogt offered this, we put down for a set. Contact Gary who posted the following:


Other than the cylinder baffles for cylinders #1 & #2, the other baffles are
the same as the baffles on a Cheetah.

I have been hand making these baffles.

I have decided to have them professionally made and alodined.  They will be
pretty.  They will also be made out of 0.040 5052-H32 instead of .032.

If you want a set, let me know.  I need to make as many as necessary to lower
the per-part fabrication costs.

Gary Vogt

AuCountry Aviation


Yankee Aviation Moving Forward

Real Mechanics

Real Parts

Really Safe

Thank You

Thanks to all who stepped up while I was out. Even with me in the hospital, orders got shipped, bill got paid, and this is why we do not have a one-man show in the GPA.



About Jeff Johnson

I live and work in Huddleston VA selling dressage horses with wife Susan Cooper. impulsionunlimited.comSue loves the flexibility that we get with our tiger and is pushing to me to complete my commercial rating. Our children are 2 Bull Mastiffs and a Boston Terrier.My other business is consulting on sales processes and sales performance, pipeline management, and sales forecasting.