Roscoe Update Great News 6/25

Matt Wing Roscoe and Luanne asked me to pass this on to the Grumman Family.

“We wish to express our most sincere and deepest gratitude for the outpouring of love and support during this difficult time. We are truly humbled. It is a tremendous blessing to feel this great love from everyone.

It is with heavy heart that we share in the knowledge of the passing of our guru, Ken Blackman. As we mourn his loss, Roscoe would like to share Ken’s last mission. He wanted to find a way to meld our community and bring everyone together. Mending the spirit of the Grumman community that shares our passion for all things Grumman and the people who love them. We humbly ask for your help in this mission.

Roscoe’s recovery continues. He is able to talk with us once again and what a joy. He will again be reaching out to everyone as his strength returns as able. I can share with you he really enjoyed the cards sent as he and I opened them together Friday. What a joy to see him smile.

Your continual prayers for a total and complete recovery are so very welcome and much appreciated. We are comforted by your support as we travel the road ahead. We bear witness to God’s healing grace and love for us all. Again we are truly blessed to have friends that are our family from all corners of the earth, from a myriad of faiths and all walks of life. Thank you and God bless.

Roscoe and Luanne”

He now has his phone again and would love to hear from you all. If it goes to voicemail he’s probably sleeping but will call back when able.

“Shop Monkey” Matt

About Jeff Johnson

I live and work in Huddleston VA selling dressage horses with wife Susan Cooper. impulsionunlimited.comSue loves the flexibility that we get with our tiger and is pushing to me to complete my commercial rating. Our children are 2 Bull Mastiffs and a Boston Terrier.My other business is consulting on sales processes and sales performance, pipeline management, and sales forecasting.