January 17, 2018, Volume XXVI

January 17, 2018, Volume XXVI


1340 members as of today in 30 countries.


Subscribers needed!  Here is why. YouTube has raised the bar for channels to generate revenue. We meet the watch time requirements, but fall short of the new 1,000 subscribers needed. So please, go to our channel and subscribe.   We have until February 20 to reach this new level. Thanks you.


482 videos now in the collection.
Subscribers 51this last month bringing total to 646
Views 11,243 last 28 days with a total of 90,828 views.
Watch time 48,806 minutes for the last 28 days.

Forum Posts

<div class="wpmlposts"> <div class="wpmlpost"> <h3>N28678 Chronicle</h3> <p><small>Posted on December 24, 2017 by Curt</small></p> <div class="wpmlpost_content"> N28678 Chronicle

I'm waiting for my SI Medical. The FAA has had my paperwork and for...10 months - and still not given me a decision. It's about the most frustrating thing I can imagine. So, I'm trying to make the best of the downtime and chronicle the recent history on my 1977 Tiger. Up to my current…

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This forum post and one other inspired 2 channel videos, check them out.


<div class="wpmlposts"> <div class="wpmlpost"> <h3>Rear vent air intake</h3> <p><small>Posted on October 7, 2017 by David</small></p> <div class="wpmlpost_content">

I have had complaints in the summer from passengers that the air flow through the rear vents on a newer vintage tiger is quite poor. When I looked with a flashlight inside the vent air intake, I can see a web of thin wood-like mesh overlying what I believe is plastic yellow mesh substrate. I…

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New Fuselage EmblemsYankee Fuselage Emblem Traveler Fuselage Emblem

The new fuselage emblems are in the company store and they look very nice. Emblems for Tiger, Cheetah, Lynx, Trainer, TR2, and T-Cat are coming. Stay Tuned.

Wrench Bending

Luann and I are off tomorrow to attend the next wrench bending in Hawaii. Ken and Jan are coming along so that the Grummans in the islands can get some love too.

In June we have another Wrench and Elbow Bending along with some social time in Independence, Oregon this June.

Finally if the schedule holds we will have one late September or early October at Yankee Aviation at KHAO.

Schedule Alert

For those who need Grumman advice, I will be mostly out of contact January 18 to February 9th or so.  Ken will be out of pocket (same pocket) January 20th to February 4 or 5.  FYI.

About Jeff Johnson

I live and work in Huddleston VA selling dressage horses with wife Susan Cooper. impulsionunlimited.comSue loves the flexibility that we get with our tiger and is pushing to me to complete my commercial rating. Our children are 2 Bull Mastiffs and a Boston Terrier.My other business is consulting on sales processes and sales performance, pipeline management, and sales forecasting.