Company Store

The items that we have for sale in this store support the organization and allow us to provide this information for free. We truly appreciate your business. If there are items that you want us to carry, please let us know. Thanks!

Ken Blackman found a stack of these in his shop and after some discussion we got a great suggestion from Howard, ‘Why not sell them?’ These are the original American Yankee Brochures in full color. A little glimpse into the beginning of our plane’s history.

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Here is a peek inside the 10 pages.

Company Store

Here are the folded pamphlets that showed the original Yankee offerings and all three models.
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The GPA shirt in Navy Blue. Sizes from S to XXL (other sizes on request), and we can usually fit 2 shirts into a USPS Priority Small Box (5.95 postage). The latest addition to the ‘Shop Monkey’ shirt is the GPA lettering on the right sleeve. This new batch of shirts does not have any airport marking on the back since we are now international with Australian, Canadian and European members. These are very soft Beefy Tees in 7.3 oz for long wear. Order
$15 USD plus postage


gpacardOne of the things members can do is to get the word out. We have ordered several thousand business cards, like the image below, that members can request to hand out or place on planes as they fly around. No charge for the cards or postage, we just ask that you use them.Order
GPAThese 3 inch patches stand out on any jacket.
Just let us know how many you would like and where to mail them to.
Order$5 USD
Founders.jpgFor some amount of time into the future, all who express a desire to ‘join’ will be known as ‘Founders’. It was decided that since we ordered 100 of the ‘FOUNDERS’ patches, that if you hold such a patch, then you are a founder. So if you need any of the patches, sing out.
$5 USD